June 26: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day June 26 is San Vigilio, which name day is celebrated and other saints are celebrated on this date.

San Vigilio

Lived between the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century, Vigilius was the third bishop of Trento since the beginning of the Christian era, as well as being a missionary in the Adige Valley.

The father's name is not known, while it is known that his mother was called Massenzia, his brothers Claudiano and Magoriano were made saints too.

Vigilio was probably born in Rome, the transfer to Trento would take place at an early age together with his parents.

He carried out theological and philosophical studies first in Athens, where he met Giovanni Chrysostom, becoming a friend, and later in Rome.

Around 380 he returned to Trento, where he aroused much admiration for his remarkable cultural background and humility.

Advised by Ambrogio, bishop of Milan, Vigilio assigns three priests from Cappadocia, Sisinnio, Martirio and Alessandro, to announce the Gospel in the land of Anaunia, today corresponding to the Val di Non.

The three presbyters, who had been personally instructed by Vigilio, were later martyred.

Then Vigilius sent their relics to Constantinople and Milan, where Giovanni Chrysostom and Simpliciano received them respectively.

A legend tells that the martyrdom of Vigilius, today patron of Trento, was carried out with hooves in Val Rendena.

Other saints and celebrations on June 26

  • Blessed Andrea (Andrij) Iscak
  • Priest and martyr

    Recommended readings
    • June 17: saint of the day, name day
    • June 9: saint of the day, name day
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    • June 26: saint of the day, name day
  • Sant ’Antelmo di Chignin
  • Monk and bishop of Belley

  • St. David of Thessaloniki
  • Hermit

  • San Deodato di Nola
  • Bishop

  • Saints John and Paul
  • Martyrs of Rome

  • St. Joseph Ma Taishun
  • Martyr

  • San Jose Maria Robles Hurtado
  • Mexican martyr

  • Saint Josemaria Escrivá de Balaguer
  • Priest, Founder of Opus Dei

  • Blessed Maria Maddalena Fontaine and 3 companions
  • Virgins and martyrs

  • San Masenzio (Maxentius)
  • Abbot

  • San Pelagio of Cordoba
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Raymond Petiniaud de Jourgnac
  • Martyr

    അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) July 26th - Sts. Joachim & Anne (January 2025)

Tags: June