The Saint of the day June 28 is Saint Irenaeus of Lyon, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.
Saint Irenaeus of Lyon
Historical figure of extreme importance in the Church, Irenaeus was a disciple of San Policarpo and, through him, of San Giovanni apostolo.
Probably born in Izmir in Asia, he moved to Gaul where he became bishop in 177, succeeding the elderly bishop San Potino, who had died following the serious injuries sustained due to the beatings suffered during the persecution perpetrated against Christians.
A few days before the anti-Christian unrest, Irenaeus had been sent to Rome by his bishop to shed light on some doctrinal problems.
Back in Lyon, he was asked to succeed the martyred bishop, in the period when the Church was with many priests and fewer faithful because of the punishments imposed on those who declared themselves Christians.
So it was that he found himself managing the diocese of all Gaul alone.
Irenaeus learned the languages of the barbarians to better proclaim the Gospel to the Celtic and Germanic populations.
And where he could not make his voice heard, his five books arrived, written against the heresies of the time and where his soul of a good shepherd shines, worried about some lost sheep that needs to be traced back to the fold, or on the right path of the Christian faith.
Other saints and celebrations of 28 June
- St. Archimedes of Cordoba
- Blessed Eimerado
- St. John Southworth
- June 17: saint of the day, name day
- June 9: saint of the day, name day
- June 12: saint of the day, name day
- June 4: saint of the day, name day
- June 26: saint of the day, name day
- Sante Lucia Wang Cheng, Maria Fan Kun, Maria Qi Yu and Maria Zheng Xu
- Santa Maria Du Zhaozhi
- Blessed Maria Pia Mastena
- Holy Martyrs of Alexandria in Egypt
- St. Paul I
- Santa Potamiena of Alexandria
- Beati Severiano (Severijan) Baranyk and Gioacchino (Jakym) Senkivskyj
Hermit priest
Priest and martyr
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Priests and martyrs