June 4: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day 4 June is the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This feast was instituted by Pius XII in 1944 to invite the faithful to a careful meditation on the mystery of Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Mary, custodian of the Lord's words and deeds, meditates on them in her heart and for this reason constitutes the home of the Holy Spirit, as well as the seat of wisdom, a model of how the Church should be, that is, an entity capable of listening and correctly witness the message of the Lord.

Mary's immaculate heart is traditionally represented with a wreath of flowers around it, as a symbol of purity, and pierced by a sword, to signify the immense pain that Mary felt for the death of her son Jesus.

The origin of this cult probably refers to the words of the evangelist Luke, where the Heart of Mary is described as a treasure chest containing the holiest memories.

Other saints and celebrations of June 4th

  • Blessed Antonio Zawistowski and Stanislao Starowieyski
  • Martyrs

  • San Filippo Smaldone
  • Priest

  • San Francesco Caracciolo
  • Priest

  • San Gualterio
  • Abbot

  • San Metrofane of Byzantium
  • Bishop

  • Saints Nicola and Trano
  • Anchorites

    Recommended readings
    • June 17: saint of the day, name day
    • June 9: saint of the day, name day
    • June 12: saint of the day, name day
    • June 4: saint of the day, name day
    • June 26: saint of the day, name day
  • Sant ’Ottato di Milevi
  • Bishop

  • Blessed Pacifico Ramati from Cerano
  • San Petroc
  • Abbot

  • San Quirino di Siscia
  • Bishop and martyr

  • San Quirino of Tivoli
  • Martyr

    Saint of the Day — Kalliopi — June 8th (January 2025)

Tags: June