Ligurian pansotti with walnut sauce


How to make Ligurian pansotti with walnut sauce, recipe including anchovies and aromatic herbs, with detailed description of the easy preparation process.

Ingredients for 4 portions

- 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

- anchovy paste

- 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

- 500 gr fresh Ligurian pansotti

- 1 cup of chopped mixed herbs including basil, marjoram, mint, thyme and parsley

- 4 shelled walnuts

- salt

How Ligurian pansotti are made with walnut sauce

Finely chop the walnuts and put them in a bowl, then add oil, chopped herbs and a teaspoon of anchovy paste, then mix thoroughly until a homogeneous sauce is obtained.

Boil the pansotti in boiling salted water, for the time necessary as indicated on the package, after draining them and arrange them in 4 serving dishes, using a ladle instead of the classic colander, to avoid breaking the Ligurian pansotti.

Add two spoons of the cooking water to the sauce, then pour it on the pansotti and serve on the table, adding a spoonful of grated Parmesan cheese for each portion.

Ligurian Walnut Sauce | Everyday Gourmet S7 E42 (April 2024)

Tags: First classics