Meat carpaccio with potatoes and salad


How to make meat carpaccio, what ingredients are needed, detailed preparation method for a tasty appetizer that also includes potatoes and curly salad.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 300 gr beef fillet cut into very thin slices

- 150 gr of Jerusalem artichokes

- 300 gr of small potatoes

- 100 gr of curly salad

- 20 g of butter

- 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

- lemon juice

- salt and freshly ground pepper

Preparation of meat carpaccio

Brush, peel and wash the Jerusalem artichokes carefully, put them in a bowl with mixed water together with half of the available lemon juice.

Carefully wash the potatoes, put them in a pot with plenty of salted water and bring it to a boil, cooking for about 15 minutes.

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After draining, peel and cut the potatoes into very thin slices and brown them in a pan previously greased with butter.

At the same time clean the salad, washing the leaves thoroughly under a stream of running water, drain and dry them gently, so as not to break them, with a clean tea towel.

Arrange the leaves on a serving tray, drain the Jerusalem artichokes, dry and slice them.

In a bowl put the remaining lemon juice together with the salt and pepper, stirring vigorously to dissolve the salt.

Once this is done, pour the oil and emulsify the sauce well.

Now place the beef on the salad leaves, placing the slices of topinambours and potatoes on top, then pour over the freshly prepared citronette and serve immediately.

Beef carpaccio salad | Jamie Oliver (April 2024)

Tags: appetizers