Milazzo (Sicily): what to see


What to see in Milazzo, itinerary including the main monuments and places of interest, including the Castle, Necropolis, Old Cathedral, New Cathedral and Town Hall.

Tourist information

Located in the province of Messina, from which it is about 42 km away, Milazzo is a port and seaside resort of the homonymous gulf, located on the slopes of the Peloritani and Nebroid mountains in correspondence with a strip of land surrounded by magnificent beaches.

Built in the eighth century BC as a fortress of Messina called Mylae, it was the scene of numerous battles, including that between the Carthaginians and the Romans, which took place in 260 BC. and ended with the victory of the consul Caio Duilio.

Equally famous is the victory obtained by Garibaldi in July 1860.

The city is divided into an ancient upper part and a modern lower part.

What see

In the ancient village, the 16th century walls, built by the Spaniards, and the imposing medieval Castle, renovated in the twelfth century by Frederick II of Swabia and later by the Spaniards, characterized by a remarkable fourteenth-century gothic portal and one ogival in shape with fifteenth-century lateral towers.

Nearby, some recent excavations have highlighted a Sicilian and a Greek necropolis.

Not far away is the old Duomo, in Renaissance style dating back to the early seventeenth century.

In the modern city stands out the new Cathedral, inside which there are numerous paintings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, including the Adoration of the Child, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Paul, St. Peter and St. Rocco, works created by Antonello de Saliba, in addition to the Annunciation and San Nicola executed by Antonio Giuffrè.

The town hall contains interesting testimonies concerning the Risorgimento period, as well as some paintings and a library of considerable historical interest.

Milazzo,Sicily (January 2025)

Tags: Sicily