November 19: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day November 19 is San Fausto of Alessandria, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

San Fausto of Alessandria

There is not much news about the life of Faustus of Alexandria, which is mentioned in the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius, it is known for certain that he lived in Alexandria in Egypt between the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth century.

Fausto exercised the ministry of deacon in the Alexandrian Church, during the period between the middle of the third century and the beginning of the fourth century.

At the time of the persecution of Valeriano, tried by the prefect Emiliano, together with the bishop Dionigi and the deacons Eusebio and Cheremone, he had to undergo exile in the Kefro region of Libya.

Later, while Dionysius was being taken to another place, Fausto returned to Egypt where, finding himself in difficulty, he was forced to practice a wandering life together with the inseparable deacons Eusebius and Cheremon.

Eusebius wrote an eulogy about him describing his ability to profess faith with courage, not worrying about the risk of persecution he was facing.

The cult of San Fausto spread widely in many countries, including Italy.

Other saints and celebrations on November 19th

  • Sant'Abdia
  • Prophet

  • San Barlaam of Antioch
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Eliseo Garcia Garcia and Alessandro Planas Sauri
  • Salesians, martyrs

  • Sant'Eudone
  • Abbot

    Recommended readings
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  • Blessed Giacomo Benfatti of Mantua
  • Bishop

  • San Massimo
  • Martyr

  • Santa Matilde of Hackeborn (or Helfta)
  • Nun

  • Holy Forty Women Martyrs of Heraclea with Annone deacon
  • Virgins and widows

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Tags: November