Orloff veal nut: oven roasted recipe


How to cook Orloff veal nut, oven roasted recipe, including bacon, onions and carrots among the necessary ingredients, to be served sliced ​​together with the prepared sauce.

Ingredients for 6 people

- 1 kg veal nut

- 50 g bacon

- 100 g butter

- 1 glass of dry white wine

- 500 g of coarsely sliced ​​onions

- 200 g of coarsely sliced ​​carrots

- 50 g of white flour

- 1 cup meat nut broth

- 3/4 liter hot milk

- 2 egg yolks

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- 50 g grated Parmesan

- 1 bunch of chopped parsley

- 1 tuft of chopped tarragon

- 1 tablespoon of freshly grated bread

- salt

Preparation of Orloff veal nut

Chop the pork belly and put it in the pan with about 30 grams of butter, place the veal nut on top and pass it in the very hot oven, letting the meat take on a uniform color.

Pour in the wine, add the onions and sliced ​​carrots, salt, decrease the heat of the oven and cook for about an hour, waiting for the meat and vegetables to be cooked.

Turn often, wetting from time to time, if necessary, with a ladle of hot water.

As soon as the meat and vegetables are cooked, remove the meat and keep it warm, add half the white flour to the vegetables and the cooking surface, stirring well and leaving to braise for five minutes before adding half the hot milk.

Stir, cook for another five minutes, then add the boiling broth, parsley and tarragon.

With a moderate flame, reduce the mixture by stirring without stopping for ten minutes, then pass through a sieve to obtain a smooth and homogeneous sauce.

Cut the veal nut into slices about one centimeter thick for three quarters of the height of the piece, thus leaving them united at the bottom.

Space the slices apart and spread them with half the sauce.

Recompose the piece of meat by combining the slices of meat again, restoring the original shape to the meat.

Grease the baking dish with a little butter and arrange the meat.

Put fifty grams of butter in a pan, melt it and add the remaining flour, mixing carefully and bathing, after five minutes, with the remaining hot milk.

Continue to stir for about fifteen minutes, then remove the sauce from the heat and add the egg yolks together with the grated Parmesan, adjusting the salt while stirring constantly.

Evenly pour the sauce over the piece of meat and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then put in the hot oven to make the gratin well.

To be served on a hot table.

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Tags: Main courses of meat