Meaning of the name, quotes from phrases reported in the Bible referring to the Archangel Michael, meaning of the name, tasks attributed to him as defender, protector and dispenser of courage in difficult or dangerous situations.
Characteristics of Archangel Michael
The name of the Archangel prince of the celestial militias is made up of three parts: Mi Kha El and means "Who like God?" and, in the Holy Scriptures, the name coincides with being.
Archangel Michael is known for the exceptional strength and courage that emanates at the command of all angels, as the one who fights for the result that good prevails over evil. It has the task of protecting and defending people who love God.
The help of Archangel Michael is invoked to find protection in dangerous situations, the courage necessary to overcome one's fears and the strength necessary to resist the temptations of sin.
The name of Saint Michael appears five times in the Bible, three times in the book of Daniel (Old Testament), once in the Letter of Judah (New Testament) and once in the Apocalypse of Saint John.
Phrases Saint Michael the Archangel
- The first time is in the famous vision of the prophet Daniel: But the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days: however, Michael, one of the first princes, came to my aid and I left him there with the prince of the King of Persia. (Book of Daniel 10, 13 - Holy Bible, Old Testament).
- Do you know why I came to you? Now I will go back to fighting with the Prince of Persia again, then I will go out and behold the Prince of Greece will come. I will declare to you what is written in the book of truths. Nobody helps me in this except Michele, your prince, and I in the first year of Dario, I stayed with him to give him reinforcement and support. (Book of Daniel 10, 20-22 - Holy Bible, Old Testament)
- At that time Michael will rise, the great prince who watches over the children of your people. (Book of Daniel 12, 1 - Holy Bible, Old Testament)
- The archangel Michael when, in dispute with the devil, was arguing for the body of Moses, he did not dare accuse him with insulting words. (Letter of Jude 9 - Holy Bible, New Testament)
- Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon fought together with his angels, but they did not prevail and there was no place for them in heaven. (Revelation of Saint John 12, 7-8 - Holy Bible, New Testament)
An image of St. Michael the Archangel as a guarantor of the glory of God against the rebel angels clearly emerges from the Holy Bible, today he is the Protector of the Church in the same way as it had been in the Old Covenant of Israel.
Recommended readings- Phrases of St. Dominic of Guzman: biography
- Phrases of Santa Gemma Galgani: quotes and aphorisms
- Phrases of Saint Anthony of Padua: quotes, aphorisms
- Phrases of San Filippo Neri: famous aphorisms from the writings
- Phrases of San Camillo de Lellis: quotes and thoughts
His mission continues in the Church of Christ for victory over Satan and evil.
In his visit to the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo in the Gargano, John Paul II said that "this fight against the devil, which distinguishes the figure of the Archangel San Michele, is still current today, because the devil is still alive and active in the world.
In this struggle, the Archangel Saint Michael is at the side of the church to defend it against the temptations of the century, to help believers resist the devil, who like roaring lion goes around looking for who to devour. "