Phrases about mom: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and sentences about the mother, or about the woman who takes care of children with unconditional love, protecting them and helping them to grow in the best way according to healthy principles.

Quotes about mom

- All moms are wealthy when they love their babies. There are no poor, ugly or old mothers. (Maurice Materlink)

- All that I am, I owe it to my Mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education that I received from you. (George Washington)

- Men rule the world. Mothers rule the eternal, which rules the world and men. (Christian Bobin)

- You will never be a child again, as long as you have a mom to visit. (Sarah Orne Jewett)

- The mother is sublime because it is all instinct. The maternal instinct is divinely animal. The mother is not a woman, but a female. (Victor Hugo)

- Most mothers are made up of instinctive philosophers. (Harriet Beecher Stowe)

- A mother has two duties: to worry and avoid doing it. (E.M. Forster)

- Think about it for a minute: in fairy tales, children always have the most beautiful adventures. Mothers must stay home and wait for the return of the children who have flown away from the window.
(Audrey Niffenegger)

- My only consolation, when I went to bed, was that Mom would come and give me a kiss once I was in bed. (Marcel Proust)

- Everyone carries within himself an image of the woman derived from the mother: from it everyone is determined to respect or despise women in general, or to be generally indifferent to them. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

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- Being a full-time mother is one of the best paid jobs ... since payment is pure love. (Mildred B. Vermont)

- When the mother is more beautiful than all her children, she becomes the most lonely member of the family. (Richard Krause)

- Of all women's rights, the biggest one is to be a mother. (Lin Yutang)

- The love of certain mothers is like a rope passed around the child's neck: at the slightest movement of the latter towards the waist, the knot slips tightening. (Christian Bobin)

- A mother's love has all the stars that illuminate it during the night. (Catherine Becher)

- Mum is the bank where we deposit all our pains and worries. (T. DeWitt Talmage)

- The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that holds the world. (William Ross Wallace)

- There is nothing in the art world like the songs my mother sang. (Billy Sunday)

- Free as fathers, mothers have never been. (Gerhard Kocher)

- The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a certain sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love from the mother's side, but this love must help the child grow away from the mother, and become completely independent. (Erich Fromm)

- Raise a child by showing him the way to go and every now and then you follow the same path. (Josh Billings)

- A mother's heart is an abyss at the bottom of which there is always forgiveness. (Honoré de Balzac)

Aphorisms about mom

- The moment a child is born, a mother is also being born. She has never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother never did. A mother is something absolutely new. (Osho)

- The precursor of the mirror is the face of the mother. (DW Winnicott)

- All mothers are mothers of great people, and it is not their fault that life disappoints them. (Boris Pasternak)

- That of mothers is the only race that speaks the same language. A Manchurian mother could converse with an American without missing a word. (Will Rogers)

- A mother who is raising her son the right way does infinitely more for her country than all the rulers do. (Werner Braun)

- My mother is a poem that I will never be able to write, even if all I write is a poem to my mother. (Sharon Doubiago)

- Mom lends you her arms after turning them into wings. (Elis Rapeanu)

- A father can turn his back on his son, brothers and sisters can become inveterate enemies, husbands can abandon their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother's love lasts forever. (Washington Irving)

- The mother is our first love story. And if we hate it, we take that anger with us and pour it on who we love. And if we lose it, where will we find it? (Jeanette Winterson)

- The best academy, a mother's knees. (James Russell Lowell)

- When we were born, God gave us the heart of a mother. (Henri Lacordaire)

- If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? (Milton Berle)

- A mother always forgives. This is why she came into the world. (Alexander Dumas)

- Sweater: garment worn by the child when his mother feels cold. (Ambrose Bierce)

- Motherhood gave me some of the best lessons in humility. (Mary Rose Remington)

- You don't have to deserve your mother's love, while you have to deserve your father's. (Robert Frost)

- It was my mom who taught me to laugh and pray. (Raymond Dickinson)

- A good mother is worth a thousand teachers. (George Herbert)

- What could be nicer than feeling the hand of a child in yours? So small, soft and warm, like a kitten curled up in your arms. (Marjorie Holmes)

- "Mom", the most beautiful word on humanity's lips. (Khalil Gibran)

- It is not possible to be a perfect mother. But there are millions of ways to be a good mother. (Jill Churchill)

- Motherhood is the greatest privilege of life. (Mary R. Cocker)

Phrases about mom

- There are mothers who fill with kisses and others with scoldings, but love does not change and in reality most mothers do both. (Pearl S. Buck)

- Youth fades, love fades, the leaves of friendship fall, but the secret hope of a mother survives longer than anything. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

- Understanding a mother is like a patch of emotion for an injured self. (Haim G. Ginot)

- The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (Henry Ward Beecher)

- You will know that your children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. (John J. Plomb)

- A mother should give her children an overabundance of enthusiasm, such that after losing everything they are sure to lose in dealing with the world, they are left with enough to support and inspire them towards new great actions. (Jiulius Charles Hare)

- If you can only give your children a gift, make sure it is enthusiasm. (Bruce Barton)

- A mother who doesn't separate from her daughter every end of the season doesn't really love her. (Oscar Wilde)

- If even for just a moment I thought I was strange, my mother's eyes looked at me from above my glasses, and like two drawing pins they fixed me firmly in my place in the world. (Banana Yoshimoto)

- Usually the mother, more than loving her son, loves herself in her son. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- If you can't raise your children well, I don't think all the other things you do matter. (Jacqueline Kennedy)

- Abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace because, if a mother can kill her own son, what prevents me from killing you and you killing me? There is no longer any obstacle. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

- The first commandment of parenthood: always be consistent. (Marcelene Cox)

- I need to feel the respect for an ideal for my mother. (Anne Frank)

- Describing my mom would mean talking about a hurricane in all its power. (Maya Angelou)

- You don't have to deserve your mother's love, while you have to deserve your father's. (Robert Lee Frost)

- There are only two inexhaustible legacies that we must hope to pass on to our children: roots and wings. (Harding Carter)

- The boy calls mom and asks: Where did I come from? Where did you pick me up? The mother listens, cries and smiles as she holds her baby close to her chest: You were a desire inside your heart. (Rabindranath Tagore)

- Eternal literature is the oldest medicine in the world. It is prior to writing. Before settling on clay tablets, he purified voices, soothed souls. She continues to do this every time a mother bends over her child numb with fatigue, and tells a story, sings a song. (Christian Bobin)

- Today it is said that you need a special device to be applied to the TV so that children cannot watch this or that. In my day, we didn't need such a device. My mother was the device. End of the story. (Ray Charles)

- When my mom had to cook for eight, she always did enough for sixteen and then needed half of it. (Gracie Allen)

- Some are mothers who kiss and some others are mothers who scold, but it is the same love, and many mothers kiss and scold. (Pearl S.Buck)

- Mum is the person who, seeing that there are four pieces of cake and five people, says that she never liked sweets. (Tenneva Jordan)

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