Phrases about revenge: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about revenge, or about the damage done, materially or morally to other people, with the specific purpose of balancing a wrong or damage suffered.

Quotes on revenge

- We take revenge on one cowardice by committing another. (Petrus Borel)

Revenge is the abject pleasure of an abject mind. (Tenth Juvenile Junius)

- If you take the path of revenge, start digging two tombs: one for your enemy, and one for you. (Confucius)

- The carousel of the time brings with it its revenge. (William Shakespeare)

- I'm not the only one who doesn't want revenge. Almost all the people who were in prison with me did not want revenge, because there is no time to do anything other than try to save your people. (Nelson Mandela)

- Arise, avenger, from my bones. (Virgil)

- Indifference is the revenge that the world takes on the mediocre. (Oscar Wilde)

- Those who take revenge, even if absent, are always present. (Publilio Siro)

- The best way to avenge us is not to look like those who offended us. (Jane Porter)

- Do you know why revenge is so good? Because it is sweet and does not make you fat! (Alfred Hitchcock)

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- To be bad is to take revenge in advance. (Paul-Jean Toulet)

- The praise that is acquired by not letting yourself be offended advances the glory that is earned by taking revenge. (Pietro Aretino)

- Taking revenge is often like biting the dog because he bit you. (Austin O'Malley)

- I will resurrect every cruder enemy, Ash buried and spirit naked. (Torquato Tasso)

- A little revenge is more human than no revenge. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- Sweet is revenge; especially for women. (Lord Byron)

- The human soul never appears as strong and noble as when it renounces revenge and dares to forgive a wrong. (Harry Chapin)

- A wrong cannot be compensated if the price paid falls on the person who avenges himself. (Edgar Allan Poe)

- The unconscious takes revenge at night. (Louis Scutenaire)

- There is no more beautiful revenge than what others inflict on your enemy. It even has the advantage of leaving you the part of the generous. (Cesare Pavese)

- The sage does not try to take revenge on his enemies at all, but leaves this cure to life. (Paul Courty)

- Smart people do not despise anyone, because they know that nobody is weak enough that they cannot avenge themselves if they suffer an offense. (Aesop)

- Elections are the citizen's revenge. The voting ballot is a knife. (David Lloyd George)

Aphorisms on revenge

- No injustice must be given to injustice for injustice, bad for evil, whatever the injustice you have received. (Plato)

- It costs more to avenge wrongs than to bear them. (Thomas Wilson)

- Do not avenge yourself, because after revenge comes repentance. (Confucius)

- The revenge of journalists on politicians is the archive. (Robert Hochner)

- Hate without desire for revenge is a seed fallen on the granite. (Honoré De Balzac)

- As we age, we realize that revenge is still the safest form of justice. (Henry Becque)

- It is all the easier to repay the offense than the benefit: because gratitude weighs, while revenge brings profit.

- Revenge is an act of passion; punishment an act of justice. Offenses are avenged, crimes are punished. (Joseph Joubert)

- Taking revenge for a wrong received is taking away the comfort of shouting injustice. (Cesare Pavese)

- The feeling of revenge is so grateful, that you often want to be insulted to be able to avenge yourself, and I do not say already only from a habitual enemy, but from an indifferent, or even, maximum in certain moments of black humor, from a friend. (Giacomo Leopardi)

- Revenge is like politics: it continues until the bad gets worse and the worse gets worse. (Jonas Jonasson)

- It is much easier to forgive an enemy after you take revenge on him. (Olin Miller)

- In the war of the sexes indifference is the power of the male, revenge is that of the female. (Spiny)

- The passion of revenge is so deeply rooted that it is certainly present in all men. Yet this assumption is contradicted by the facts. Although widespread, it shows considerable differences in intensity, and in certain cultures and individuals it seems to be limited to minimal traces.(Erich Fromm)

- Do you want to be happy for a moment? Get even! Do you want to be happy forever? Forgive! (Tertullian)

- Do you know why revenge is so good? Because it is sweet and does not make you fat! (Alfred Hitchcock)

- In revenge the human being lowers himself to the level of his enemy, while in forgiveness he shows wisdom and intelligence. (Paulo Coelho)

- If someone takes your wife away, there is no worse revenge than leaving it to him. (Sacha Guitry)

- If they slap you, return four, no matter what cheek. (Chateaubriand)

- In revenge and in love, the woman is more barbaric than the man. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- There is no such complete revenge as forgiveness. (Josh Billings)

- It is wrong to take revenge on a woman who has wronged you, but nothing prevents you from thinking that she is getting older every minute. (Ambrose Bierce)

- We take revenge on one cowardice by committing another. (Petrus Borel)

Phrases about revenge

- Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as retaliation or revenge. Revenge is an action that you would like to take when and precisely because you are powerless: as soon as this feeling of powerlessness disappears, the desire to take revenge also vanishes. (George Orwell)

- The human soul never appears as strong and noble as when it renounces revenge and dares to forgive a wrong. (Harry Forster Chapin)

- Of course, in revenge, a man is only equal to his enemy, but ignoring him is superior because forgiving is like a prince. (Francis Bacon)

- Sweet is anger waiting for revenge. (Torquato Tasso)

- Vendetta, the sweetest bite that has ever been cooked in hell. (Walter Scott)

- Revenge is an act that you want to do when you are powerless and because you are powerless: as soon as the sense of powerlessness disappears, the desire for revenge also vanishes. (George Orwell)

- Right vendettas don't exist. (Miguel de Cervantes)

- Well, go your own way; but you will not turn away from this wood until I torture you for this offense. (William Shakespeare)

- I'm not talking about revenge or forgiveness; forgetfulness is the only revenge and the only forgiveness. (Jorge Luis Borges)

- The best way to take revenge on your enemies is to become better than them. (Diogenes The Cynic)

- The cruelest revenge is the contempt for every possible revenge. (Goethe)

- The more you suffered, the less you claim. Protesting is a sign that no hell has gone through. (Emile Michel Cioran)

- Revenge is a kind of primitive justice to which, the more human nature resorts, the more the law should put an end. (Francis Bacon)

- There are armored skins with which contempt is no longer a revenge. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- An eye for an eye will only serve to make the whole world blind. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- The best revenge is an impressive success. (Frank Sinatra)

- The best way to take revenge for an injury is not to look like the person who made it. (Marco Aurelio)

- I'm not talking about revenge or forgiveness; forgetfulness is the only revenge and the only forgiveness. (Jorge Luis Borges)

- Do you want to be happy for a moment? Get even! Do you want to be happy forever? Forgive! (Tertullian)

- An eye for an eye means that you end up having the whole blind world. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- Hatred is blind, dull anger, and the one who pours revenge on it, runs the risk of drinking a bitter drink. (Alexandre Dumas)

- The cruelest revenge is the contempt for every possible revenge. (Goethe)

- The paradox of the feeling of revenge is that it makes you dependent on who has hurt you, making you believe that you will only get rid of pain when you make your persecutors suffer. (Laura Hillenbrand)

- Anyone who takes revenge after victory is unworthy of winning. (Voltaire)

PHILOSOPHY - Nietzsche (September 2024)

Tags: Meaningful phrases