Phrases about silence: aphorisms, quotes


Thoughts and aphorisms about silence, cute phrases and famous quotes about those particular moments when words are not needed, to discover that it is possible to speak even without saying anything, in a much more effective way than any speech.

Aphorisms on silence

- The words are silver and the silence is golden. (Johnny Depp)

- Too many people seem convinced that silence is a void to be filled at any cost, even if there is nothing important to say. (Nicholas Sparks)

- Silence has never betrayed anyone. (Antoine Rivarol)

- Slanders are best answered with silence. (Ben Jonson)

- Nothing reinforces authority as much as silence.

- Silence is the most perfect expression of contempt. (George Bernard Shaw)

- Silence is the safest attitude for those who distrust themselves. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

- Speak if you have words stronger than silence, or keep silent. (Euripides)

- Only silence is great; all the rest is weakness.

- Silence, often of pure innocence, persuades when words fail. (William Shakespeare)

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- I always listen to you in silent amazement. (Rabindranath Tagore)

- To achieve the goal, silence, meditation and abstention from judgment are required. (Deepak Chopra)

- In life, as in art, it is difficult to say anything that is as effective as silence.

- Only in the oasis of silence can we drink deeply from the inner cup of wisdom. (Sue Patton Thoele)

- The word is a wing of silence ... (Pablo Neruda)

- Whoever does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words. (Elbert Green Hubbard)

- Silence is pure and sacred because it unites people, as only those who feel comfortable in the company of another can help but speak.

- The silence of that man is wonderful to hear. (Thomas Hardy)

- The two greatest gifts that Heaven can do to a soul: silence and solitude. (Marcel Jouhandeau)

- Whoever does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.

- The quietest people are usually those who have the highest opinion of themselves. (William Hazlitt)

- Silence has never betrayed anyone.

- True wisdom is characterized by modesty and silence. (Napoleon Hill)

- Your distrust disturbs me and your silence offends me. (Miguel De Unamuno)

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation. (William Hazlitt)

- Silence is the master of masters because it teaches us without speaking.

- Sin of silence, when one should protest, makes a man a coward. (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

- On the trail of silence, I put my breaths, my best hounds. (Abdelmajid Benjelloun)

Quotes about silence

- In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

- Sometimes the silence of the sage is worth more than the philosopher's reasoning: it is a lesson for the impertinent and a punishment for the guilty. (Joseph Antoine Dinouart)

- As all the colors are present in the white that reflects the whole light, so there is a silence so full to contain all the words.

- Silence can sometimes take the place of wisdom for the poor in spirit, and wisdom for the ignorant. (Joseph Antoine Dinouart)

- Silence is the safest attitude for those who distrust themselves.

- What music silence! (Jean Anouilh)

- For evil to triumph, it is sufficient for the good to remain silent.

- The best of men is the one who blushes when you praise him and remains silent when you defame him. (Kahlil Gibran)

- The quietest people are usually those who have the highest opinion of themselves.

- Silence is for the ears what the night is for the eyes. (Edmond Jabès)

- Better to remain silent and go for an idiot than to speak and dispel any doubts. (Abraham Lincoln)

- I've always liked the desert. You sit on a sand dune. You can not see anything. Nothing is heard. And yet something shines in silence.

- Silence is pure. Silence is sacred. It brings people together because only those who feel comfortable in the company of another can help but speak. This is the great paradox. (Nicholas Sparks)

- Silence is sometimes the best attitude to take to face the anger of others.

- Whoever does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words. (Elbert Hubbard)

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.

- The absurd arises from the comparison between man's demand and the unreasonable silence of the world. (Albert Camus)

- The most eloquent silence is that of two mouths kissing.

- The right word can be effective, but no word is as effective as silence at the right time. (Mark Twain)

- Silence is a discussion carried out by other means.

- Music helps not to hear the silence inside that is outside. (Johann Sebastian Bach)

- The great elevations of the soul are not possible except in solitude and silence.

- In love, silence is worth more than a speech. (Blaise Pascal)

- Men fear silence because they fear loneliness, because they both reveal the terror of the nothingness of life. (André Maurois)

- The silence of the envious makes a lot of noise.

- The great elevations of the soul are not possible except in solitude and silence. (Arturo Graf)

- Be silent around you if you want to hear your soul sing.

- Too often the strong and silent man is silent only because he does not know what to say, and is considered strong only because he has remained silent. (Sir Winston Churchill)

Phrases about silence

- Silence has never betrayed anyone. (Antoine Rivarol)

- In love, a silence is worth more than a speech.

- It is said that every person is an island, and it is not true, every person is a silence, yes, a silence, each with its own silence, each with the silence that it is. (José Saramago)

- We have no sure way like silence to express our thoughts.

- Silence is as deep as eternity; speech, as superficial as time. (Thomas Carlyle)

- There is something bigger and purer than what the mouth says. Silence illuminates the soul, whispers to hearts and unites them. Silence takes us away from ourselves, makes us sail in the firmament of the spirit, brings us closer to heaven; it makes us feel that the body is nothing more than a prison, and this world is a place of exile. (Khalil Gibran)

- O man who loves to talk a lot learn the art of silence to get to wisdom.

- Silence before being born, silence after death, life is pure noise between two unfathomable silences. (Isabel Allende)

- Only silence is great; all the rest is weakness. (Alfred de Vigny)

- I love and live in silence but behind every smile I hide a tear of pain.

- Our lives begin to end the day we are silent in the face of the things that matter. (Martin Luther King)

- In love, silence is worth more than a speech.

- There is no need to go to India or elsewhere to find peace. You will discover that profound peace of silence right in your room, in your garden or even in your bathtub. (Elizabeth Kubler Ross)

- Silence saves me from being wrong, but it also deprives me of the possibility of being right. (Igor Fiodorovich Stravinskij)

- When communion between people is authentic only silence can express it.

- I am not afraid of the wickedness of the wicked but of the silence of the honest. (Martin Luther King)

- Silence means that the images of the past do not arouse desires but sadness, an enormous disconsolate melancholy. (Erich Maria Remarque)

- Real music is silence. All the notes only frame the silence.

- The main virtue is: to hold the tongue in check; who knows how to keep silent is close to God. (Cato)

- Silence is the ultimate weapon of power. (Charles de Gaulle)

- Two friends in silence sometimes say more than a thousand words.

- The cruelest lies are often said in silence: a man can remain seated for hours without opening his mouth and yet be an unfair friend and a despicable slanderer. (Robert Stevenson)

- Sometimes the silence of the sage is worth more than the philosopher's reasoning, it is a lesson for the impertinent and a punishment for the guilty.

- If nothing else remains, you have to shout. Silence is a genuine crime against mankind. (Nadežda Jakovlevna Mandel’štam)

- Silence is a universal gift that few know how to appreciate. Maybe because it can not be bought. The rich buy noise. The human soul delights in the silence of nature, which is revealed only to those who seek it.

- If he who does not know remains silent, discord will cease. (Socrates)

- You kept quiet enough. It's time to stop being silent! Shout out with one hundred thousand languages. I see that the world is rotten by silence. (Saint Catherine of Siena)

- I've always liked the desert. You sit on a sand dune. You can not see anything. Nothing is heard. And yet something shines in silence. (Antoine De Saint Exupery)

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