Phrases about the united family: aphorisms, quotes


Collection of phrases about the united family, famous aphorisms, quotes and reflections on the importance of family relationships and the consequences that can derive from them on a social level.

Famous phrases about the family

- A family could not be considered as such if even one of the members did not desire the good of others and did not put the maximum effort into achieving it.

- Mother, what can I do for world peace? Go home and love your family. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

- All happy families look alike; instead, every unhappy family is unfortunate in its own way. (Lev Tolstoj)

- It is not possible to teach others what you cannot teach your family. (Confucius)

- The family is the mirror in which God looks at himself and sees the two most beautiful miracles he has done: giving life and giving love. (Pope John Paul II)

- The bond that connects your real family is not a bond of blood, but of respect and joy in the life of each of the others. (Richard Bach)

- Family education pushes personal development, in fact it can happen that thanks to this important aspect, the daughter of a farmer graduated in medicine, the son of a miner becomes an impresario and the child born of poor parents reaches high positions in a nation . This wants to be an invitation to parents so that they can enhance every natural inclination of their children, contributing to their realization as adults, so that they can be unique and interesting people, endowed with their own character and passionate about life.

- A family is a place where minds come into contact with each other. (Buddha)

- A happy family is only an advance of paradise. (George Bernard Shaw)

- For a non-violent person, the whole world is his family. (Mahatma Gandhi)

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- Only around a woman who loves can a family be formed. (Friedrich Schlegel)

- Only within the family does man feel he has an absolute value, that he is irreplaceable. For this reason, the family is the model and constitutive cell of universal brotherhood and human society. (Vladimir S. Solov'ëv)

Phrases about the united family

- In order for a family to be united there must be an unquestionable mutual loyalty at the base.

- If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange, a circle of sections held together but separable, with each distinct segment. (Letty Cottin Pogrebin)

- I always thought that there is no happiness greater than that of the family. (Fëdor Dostoevskij)

- If each of us starting from his family will do his duty, the whole society will be better.

- We have received from our family the ideas we live on as well as the disease we will die of. (Marcel Proust)

- When not threatening, but reasoning; when you are not afraid but you love each other; when God is the master of the house, then the family is born.
(Don Bosco)

- Family means that no one is abandoned or forgotten. (from the movie Lilo and Stitch)

- For me, there is nothing to say: the most beautiful thing in creation is the family. (Louisa May Alcott)

- The family must be united, the various components must support each other and help in case of need.

- The family is the place where we train as people. Each family is a brick that builds society. (Pope francesco)

- If the husband loves fishing, the wife loves to cook fish and the child loves to eat fish, this is definitely a perfect family. (Ma Changshan)

- Family is not an important thing. That's all. (Michael J. Fox)

Aphorisms on the family

- Don't choose your family. I am the gift of God for you, as you are for them. (Desmond Tutu)

- The angel of the family is the woman. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

- The family is the first place where you learn to listen, to share, to endure, to respect, to help. (Pope francesco)

- The lover of life creates the whole world in his family, just as the lover of good sex creates his from all the beautiful women he has found, from those he could find, and from those who are impossible to find. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- We need to be with our family not because there are so many common experiences to talk about, but because family members know exactly which topics are best overlooked. (Douglas Coupland)

- The family is the first essential cell of human society. (Pope John XXIII)

- Every human being who spends too little time in the family will have to reorganize his daily agenda to optimize his daily commitments, in order to be more present in the family.

- Happy that family that, without possessing great wealth, nevertheless does not suffer from poverty. (Thales)

- Running a family is little less difficult than running a kingdom. (Michel de Montaigne)

- In every family that can be defined as united, we cry, laugh and want to spend time together.

- Families where nothing is ever discussed usually have a lot not to discuss. (Mason Cooley)

- A family that has an elderly person with it has with it the most beautiful of ornaments and the most precious of treasures. (Chinese proverb)

Quotes about the family

- Family: a social unit where the father is concerned about the parking space, the children about the outside space and the mother about the closet space. (Evan Esar)

- The family is the association established by nature to provide for human needs. (Aristotle)

- The family is a link with our past and a bridge to our future. (A. Haley)

- The family is an oasis in a ruthless world. (Christopher Lasch)

- To avoid many problems of society it must be recognized that the family is important, parents must be present with their children and vice versa.

- Get lost in the smiles of your wives or your husbands, abandon yourself to the embraces of your children, do not become slaves of your careers, do not give life to new characters, but live your life. (Dumitru Novac)

- Family. The place where we are treated best and where we grumble most. (John Garland Pollard)

- The family is the homeland of the heart. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

- When one does not threaten, but thinks, when one is not afraid but loves one another, when God is the master of the house, then the family is born. (Giovanni Bosco)

- Rejoice with your family in the wonderful land of life. (Albert Einstein)

- Love begins at home: first the family comes, then your country or your city. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

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