Phrases about wickedness: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about malice, or about that typical attitude of those who want to offend and harm by using wickedness and perfidy, with the implementation of a reprehensible and harmful behavior for others.

Quotes about badness

- Everyone needs Communion: the good guys to keep themselves good and the bad guys to make themselves good. (San Giovanni Bosco)

- The only thing we can say is that this is a good deed because it helps someone, or that the other is bad because it hurts someone. People are too complex to label them. (Philip Pullmann)

- In the villain, even laughter itself is an offense. (Publilio Siro)

- Some, in the face of wickedness and wickedness, withdraw not out of cowardice but out of repugnance to argue with an insolent. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

- It is the easiest thing in the world to destroy and harm, there is no need for sagacity or cunning and not even intelligence, a fool can always shatter an intelligent person. (Javier Marias)

- A bad deed does not torment us as soon as it is done, but after a long time, when we remember it, because the memory does not go out. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

- There are many evil people in the world, science has made great strides, but what pushes man to do harm remains incomprehensible, perhaps because the depth of evil is unfathomable for us. (David Mccallum)

- Man is not bad at all from birth, but is simply not good enough for the needs of modern social life. (Konrad Lorenz)

- Many wicked men are rich, and good ones poor, but we will not exchange our superiority for wealth with them. (Solon)

- It is not a question of being good or bad, but of transforming energy. (Osho)

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- It's when the bad guy pretends to be good that he gets bad. (Publilio Siro)

- He who hurts others hurts himself, and a bad project is more harmful to its author. (Hesiod)

- There is nothing that is good or bad, it is thought that makes it so. (William Shakespeare)

- The fact that a man has proclaimed, as head of a political party or for any other reason, that lying is evil, necessarily forces him to lie more than others. (Marcel Proust)

- The inhumanity of man towards man is perpetrated not only by the bad actions of those who are bad. It is also perpetrated by the vicious inaction of those who are good. (Martin Luther King)

- Fashion, which elevates the bad to the level of the good, then turns its back on the bad and the good in the same way. (Eric Bentley)

- Honest people recognize themselves by doing bad things with more clumsiness. (Charles Peguy)

- Bad behavior is a consequence of the power of ignorance. (Dalai Lama)

- I'm not a bad person. I am a good person who lived in bad times. (Jonathan Safran Foer)

- If money is the root of all evils, I want to be a bad, very bad man. (Huey Lewis)

- A good man can be stupid and yet remain good. But a bad man can not help but be intelligent. (Maksim Gorky)

- Intolerance is responsible for the badness, violence, terror and pain that torture the world. (Betty Smith)

- The certainty of a God who gives meaning to life far outweighs the power to do evil with impunity. (Albert Camus)

- The bad-tempered person always keeps his teeth hidden. (Publilio Siro)

- It is from this pasta that we are made, half of indifference and half of malice. (José Saramago)

- I'm a good person. In many ways. But I'm starting to think that being a good person in many ways, after all, doesn't really matter much, if even in one way you are a bad person. (Nick Hornby)

- Men become bad and guilty because they speak and act without imagining the effect of their words and actions. They are sleepwalkers, not evil. (Franz Kafka)

- We live with many bad actions on conscience and some good intentions in the heart. (Pierre Reverdy)

- Many laws certainly make bad men, just as bad men make many laws. (Walter Savage Landor)

- When I'm good I'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm even better. (Mae West)

- Badness is a myth invented by good people to explain the curious attractiveness of others. (Oscar Wilde)

- Out of complacency comes more badness than what comes from bad principles. (Johann Gottfried Seume)

- I am not a bad man, it is my destiny that is. (Thomas Haden Church)

- Men are for the most part too busy with themselves to be bad. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- How far the rays of a small candle go: so a good action shines in an evil world. (William Shakespeare)

- Nobody who once laughed heartily can be hopelessly bad. (Thomas Carlyle)

- There is no more infallible clue than a profoundly bad heart, of the lowest moral indignity, that a trait of pure and cordial joy of the harm of others. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang. (Charles Reese)

- When I know someone, I always think that he is a decent person and I keep thinking about him until I have the opposite proof. If I have the opposite proof, then, I don't say that person is bad. I say: she was bad with me. (Golda Meir)

Aphorisms on badness

- I don't believe in demons. Indifference and incomprehension can create malice. Very often, what appear to be evil people are actually victims of malice. (Max Von Sydow)

- Either die as a hero or live long enough to become the villain. (Aaron Eckhart)

- We are all potentially good or bad. (Stellan Skarsgard)

- Principle, means and end of stupidity and malice is a neglected and corrupt education. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

- We all harbor some grudges, Edith. It is letting ourselves be conditioned that makes us bad. (Elizabeth Mcgovern)

- Evil men live to be able to eat and drink; the good eat and drink to live. (Socrates)

- It is not only bad people who can commit genocides: we all have the potential, and our historical evolution confirms it. (James Lovelock)

- The Christian decision to find the ugly and bad world made the world ugly and bad. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- I specialize in selfless malice. (Alice Roosevelt Longworth)

- Every cruelty arises from hardness of heart and weakness. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- I'm so bad that sometimes I scare myself. (John Sharp)

- A bad person is a man who does not pity his bad deeds. (Jonathan Safran Foer)

- Those who have a business relationship with the villains or the wicked can only expect rogues. (Phaedrus)

- It is right to save a bad guy to save a good one. (Publilio Siro)

- To put it in a nutshell, man's true malice is manifested only in the state and in the church, as institutions that gather, that recapitulate, that totalize. (Paul Ricoeur)

- The villain, although unable to harm, nevertheless thinks about it. (Publilio Siro)

- Often an entire city paid for an evil man. (Hesiod)

- There are bad drunkards; they are bad people by nature. The bad man becomes execrable, just as the good becomes excellent. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- Good things are all convenient: bad things are all too expensive. (Henry David Thoreau)

- If you are almighty, you are bad; and if you are not bad, you are not powerful enough. (Eric Emmanuel Schmitt)

- It is said that who is good at cooking cannot be a bad person. (Jillian Michaels)

- The wicked work harder to go to hell than the righteous do to go to heaven. (Josh Billings)

- Only when the woman manifests her wickedness does she become good. (Publilio Siro)

- The good news is that bad news can be turned into good news when you change your attitude. (Robert Harold Schuller)

- If you want to become good, it follows that before you were bad. (Epictetus)

- Badness is rare, most men take too much care of themselves to be evil. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- The bad neighbor is a ruin, the good is a great help. (Hesiod)

- Where everything is bad it should be good to know the worst. (Francis Herbert Bradley)

- The bad manners of men live in bronze; we write their virtues on the water. (William Shakespeare)

- Do not attend bad companies, you would only increase their number. (George Herbert Di Cherbury)

- Nothing is good or bad, except by comparison. (Thomas Fuller)

- Bad women are a nuisance. Moral women are boredom. This is the only difference between them. (Oscar Wilde)

- You can only be good insofar as you dare to be bad. (John Barrymore)

- Having a bad opinion of men without wanting to harm them is perhaps the highest form of wisdom and virtue. (William Hazlitt)

- You can get on in life with bad manners, but it's easier with good ones. (Lillian Gish)

- You can trust bad men. At least those don't change. (William Cutberth Faulkner)

- Good and great souls strive to find good even in evil, while mediocre and wicked find evil even in good. (Blaise Pascal)

- The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil things but because of those who observe without doing anything. (Albert Einstein)

Phrases about badness

- Evil, it is said, is discounted in the other world; but stupidity in this. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- In this generation we will repent not only for the words and actions of bad people, but for the frightful silence of good people. (Martin Luther King)

- A bad action suffered does not give us the right to act badly. (Ruta Sepetys)

- Good people don't need laws that tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. (Plato)

- Magic is neither good nor bad. It is an instrument, like a knife. Is a knife bad? Only if he is who is holding him. (Rick Riordan)

- Nobody should be envied; the good guys don't deserve envy; as for the bad guys, the luckier they are, the more they ruin themselves. (Epicurus)

- If no evil is said, no heart will be broken. (Kim Kardashian)

- Some people are bad only because of the need to talk. Their conversation, chatter in the living rooms and chatter in the antechambers, resembles those fireplaces that soon consume wood: they need a lot of fuel, the next. (Victor Hugo)

- Even a single woolen bow is good as a bad sheep. (Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

- Anger can feed on you for an hour, but not lie for a night; the continuation of anger is hatred, the continuation of hatred becomes evil. (Francis Quarles)

- We will leave this stupid and bad world as we found it when we get there. (Voltaire)

- Even if the ability to cheat is a sign of acuteness and power, the intention to cheat is undoubtedly a sign of malice or weakness. (Descartes)

- My friends, keep this in mind: there are neither bad herbs nor bad men. There are only bad growers. (Victor Hugo)

- The evil in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions can do the same harm as badness if they lack understanding. (Albert Camus)

- The bad-tempered person always feeds on his own nature. (Publilio Siro)

- The badness of a few is the misfortune of many. (Publilio Siro)

- Who do you call bad? Those who aim only to incite shame. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- Tyrants surround themselves with bad men because they like to be flattered and no man of high spirit will flatter them. (Aristotle)

- We are not bad people, it's just that we come from a bad place. (Carey Mulligan)

- The bad guy never tells himself good advice. (Publilio Siro)

- Wickedness is always authentic and sincere. (Mason Cooley)

- Bad deeds don't thrive; the slow man reaches the quick one. (Homer)

- Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most evil of men will do the most evil of actions for the greatest good of all. (John Maynard Keynes)

- Better not to have eyes than to have bad ones. (Charles Dickens)

- Men are very strange animals: a mixture of the nervousness of a horse, the stubbornness of a mule and the badness of a camel. (Thomas Henry Huxley)

- The happy are happy for the possession of justice and temperance and the unhappy, unhappy for the possession of wickedness. (Socrates)

- If I were the wind, I would no longer blow on such a wicked and miserable world ... Yet, I repeat and swear, there is something glorious and benign in the wind. (Herman Melville)

- Excluding that natural expression of evil that we all have, the man seemed fairly honest. (Mark Twain)

- From the powerful come the most wicked men. (Socrates)

- Wickedness never proceeds on any reasonable basis. (Tito Livio)

To be even worse, perfidy takes the form of goodness. (Publilio Siro)

- The evil we do is always sadder than the evil they do to us. (Jacinto Benavente)

- It is an evil man to be deceived with lies. (Dante Alighieri)

- It is absurd to classify people as good and bad. People are pleasant, or boring. (Oscar Wilde)

- All bad precedents began as justifiable measures. (Julius Caesar)

- The sad truth is that much of the evil is done by people who never decide to be good or bad. (Hannah Arendt)

- But take care, citizens, that this is not the most difficult thing, that is to escape from death, but that it is much more difficult to escape from evil. Indeed, wickedness runs much faster than death. (Socrates)

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