Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about young people, or about those who are in the so-called age of youth, the most carefree time where you prepare to become adults, observing what is happening in the world.
Quotes about youth
- Each part of life has its own character, so that the weakness of children, the boldness of young people, the seriousness of the virile age and the maturity of old age bear their natural fruit that must be gathered in its time. (Guide)
- Life would be infinitely happier if we were born at eighty and gradually approached eighteen. (Mark Twain)
- Every day, in real life, good guys win. (Stephen King)
- Youth ends when your favorite footballer is younger than you. (David Trueba)
- Young people would like to be faithful and they are not; the old would like to be unfaithful and they cannot: that's all we can say about it. (Oscar Wilde)
- To regain youth, just repeat the follies. (Oscar Wilde)
- I consume myself as wax in the heat, when I look at the youth of the boys with flourishing limbs. (Pindar)
- Youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
- When the oldest behaves badly, the youngest learns to behave badly. (Publilio Siro)
- Young people, you are rich in what you are; old, you are rich in what you have. (Roger Judrin)
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- I like younger men. They are physically more attractive. And they haven't lived long enough to build up bitterness and depression. (Aretha Franklin)
- A boy can be two, three, four potential people, but a man only one: the one who killed the others. (Mordecai Richler)
- I think it is important for young people to grow in the name of humanity. (Joyce Chapman)
- The deepest definition of youth is life not yet touched by tragedy. (Alfred North Whitehead)
- Attribute of young people is value. (Ernest Hemingway)
- Young people are convinced they have the truth. Unfortunately, when they manage to impose it, they are no longer young nor is it the truth. (Jaume Perich)
- I was born old and rejuvenate every day. I am currently a sixty year old. (Herbert Beerbohm Tree)
- If it is true that youth is a defect, we correct it quickly. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
- All those who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have convinced themselves that the fate of empires depends on the education of young people. (Aristotle)
- Being young and not being revolutionary is an even biological contradiction. (Salvador Allende)
- The joy of young people is to disobey; but the problem is that there are no more orders. (Jean Cocteau)
Aphorisms on youth
- Being young means keeping the porthole of hope open, even when the sea is bad and the sky has grown tired of being blue. (Bob Dylan)
- It takes too long to become young. (Pablo Picasso)
- No young man can believe that one day he will die. (Willam Hazlitt)
- The only ones whose opinions I respectfully listen to are now much younger than I am. It seems to me that they precede me. Life has revealed the ultimate mystery to them. (Oscar Wilde)
- Many today speak of young people; but not many, it seems to us, speak to young people. (Pope John XXIII)
- Not all of us get old, but everyone has been younger than now. (Evelyn Waugh)
- It is youth fever that keeps the rest of the world at normal temperature. When youth cools, the rest of the world chatters. (George Bernanos)
- Young creatures of the human species grow and become adults in a kind of obstacle course, surrounded by dangers, while adults make noble but vain attempts to provide them with something better. (Doris May Lessing)
- The sign of youth is perhaps a magnificent vocation for easy happiness. (Albert Camus)
- I hate to see a young man make his way based on a famous surname. (Ted Kennedy)
- The kids who love each other are not there for anyone, they are elsewhere, far beyond the night. (Jacques Prévert)
- I met a very poor young man in the street who was in love: he had an old hat, a worn jacket, water passed through the soles of his shoes and stars through his soul. (Victor Hugo)
- A wasted youth is far better than a wise and productive old age. (Meat Loaf)
- A young man without enthusiasm is like an old man without experience.(Carl Zuckmayer)
- Every hour lost during youth is a possibility of unhappiness for the future. (Honoré de Balzac)
- As the young person lives in the future, so the adult lives in the past: nobody rightly knows how to live in the present. (Franz Grillparzer)
- Youth would be a better time if it only came a little later in life. (Charlie Chaplin)
- It takes time to become young. (Pablo Picasso)
- We were young, beautiful and stupid. Unfortunately, we are still young now. (Gabriel Laub)
- Nothing is as necessary to a young man as the company of intelligent women. (Lev Tolstoj)
- If youth knew, if old age could. (Henri Estienne)
Phrases about youth
- Too much money in the pockets of young people is a sign of a bankrupt company. (Luise Rinser)
- Youth does not know what it can, maturity cannot what it knows. (José Saramago)
- Most young people believe they are spontaneous, while they are only rude and coarse. (Francois De La Rochefoucauld)
- If you put things in the right proportions, it is better to be a young beetle than an old bird of paradise. (Mark Twain)
- All laws are made by old men and by men. Young people want exceptions, old people want rules. (Goethe)
- Seen by young people, life is an infinitely long future. Seen from the old, a very short past. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
- Complete abstinence in young people is often not the best preparation for marriage. Women feel this, and among their suitors they prefer those who have already proven their manhood with other women. (Sigmung Freud)
- Old people repeat themselves, and young people have nothing to say. Boredom is mutual. (Jacques Bainville)
- At what age should a man marry? As a young man not yet, never as an old man. (Diogenes The Cynic)
- This is the old man's duty, to be anxious towards the young man. And the young man's duty is to despise the old man's anxiety. (Philip Pullman)
- Tell the young that the world already existed before them, and remind the old that the world will exist after them too. (Pope Paul VI)
- Youth ends when selfishness ends; maturity begins when you live for others. (Hermann Hesse)
- The love of young people is not in the heart, but in the eyes. (William Shakespeare)
- Youth is splendid. Too bad to waste it with young people. (Mark Twain)
- Young people need more examples than criticism. (Joseph Antoine René Joubert)
- Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who is able to maintain the ability to see beauty will never get old. (Franz Kafka)
- You are young only once, but you can be immature forever. (Hannah Marks)
- Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor. (Euripides)
- Nowadays, young people imagine that money is everything, and when they get older they know it is so. (Oscar Wilde)
- It is a sad thing to be too young to die and too old to live at the same time. (Jacques Deval)
- When I was young, I never wanted to leave the field until things went exactly right. My dream was to become a professional. (Larry Joe Bird)
- I took a handful of sand and handed it to him, foolishly asking for a year of life for each grain; I forgot to ask that they were years of youth. (Ovid)