Brief biography of the life of St. Nicholas of Tolentino, phrases and prayers for the souls of purgatory, miracles and times put in the church dedicated to him, today a sanctuary, where the body of the saint is found and when it is celebrated.
Biography San Nicola da Tolentino
San Nicola da Tolentino was born in 1245 in Castel Sant’Angelo, today Sant’Angelo in Pontano (Macerata), he was called Nicola because his parents asked for the intercession to San Nicola di Bari to have a son.
From the biographies it appears that since childhood he listened very willingly to the word of God and was very welcoming to the poor.
In 1259 ca. a sermon by a friar of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine, prompted Nicola to make the decision to join that Order, first becoming an oblate and then a priest in the Augustinian community.
From 1275 for thirty years he remained in the convent of the Eremitani Friars of S.Agostino in Tolentino, always supported by joyful faith he led a life characterized by great pity, many penances, fervent prayer, wide availability towards others.
He died in Tolentino on 10 September 1305, was canonized in 1446. The body located in the crypt of the current Sanctuary remained uncorrupted until 1345, in the following years he underwent amputation of his arms but as they shed blood, the attempt failed and those arms they in turn became objects of worship.
In 1926 the remains of San Nicola were found and the arms reunited. The devotion of St. Nicholas has always been linked to the sign of the blessed sandwiches, which originates from an episode in the life of the Saint, who fell seriously ill and recovered through the intercession of the Madonna, who appeared to him in a vision suggesting to eat a wet bread in the water.
From that day St. Nicholas used to distribute the blessed bread to the sick he visited, telling them to entrust himself to the Virgin Mary to obtain healing from illness and liberation from sin.
Saint Nicholas is the protector of the souls of Purgatory, of the universal Church in the problems concerning ecumenism, also he is invoked by the women who have recently given birth, on the difficulties of childhood and development and in general in all difficulties.
Phrases and prayers to Saint Nicholas
- O almighty and merciful God, we confidently address our prayers to you, interposing the intercession of Saint Nicholas, your faithful servant and our particular protector: help with promptness and benevolence those who invoke strength in trial and comfort in pain.
- O Saint Nicholas, you who during your life have shared the sufferings of the most needy and have worked hard to console the afflicted and sick, come to our aid: present to the good and provident Father our request for healing in the body and in the soul, so that we will be given a new occasion of gratitude for the benefits dispensed by virtue of the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen. Pater, Ave, Gloria.
Recommended readings- Phrases of St. Dominic of Guzman: biography
- Phrases of Santa Gemma Galgani: quotes and aphorisms
- Phrases of Saint Anthony of Padua: quotes, aphorisms
- Phrases of San Filippo Neri: famous aphorisms from the writings
- Phrases of San Camillo de Lellis: quotes and thoughts
Protection of children and families
- O Saint Nicholas, look benign at our children, make them grow and mature as men and as Christians. You who knew how to be so close to men and especially to children and young people that you supported with your friendship and illuminated with your advice, also take care of our children, draw close to the Lord, preserve them from evil and pray because the blessing of God always accompany them.
- O St. Nicholas friend of God and our friend, you who have been so sensitive to the needs of young people guiding them with the wisdom of your advice, continue from heaven, like father and brother, to express your solicitous concern for us. Protect our activities: study, work, service to the needy, our commitment in the Church. Guard and purify our affections. Light up our choices to be according to the heart of God. Be a careful and sweet travel companion for all of us.
- O Saint Nicholas, a luminous guide for families, you who know how important it is to have parents who believe in the Lord and are animated by a deep faith, pray for us fathers and mothers, so that teaching with our words is always accompanied from a holy life and our children can grow in love with Christ.
Timetable of celebrations in the Basilica of San Nicola in Tolentino
Holy Mass Hours
- On weekdays: 7.30 - 8.30 - 9.30 - 18.30
- On holidays: 7.30 - 8.30 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 - 18.30
The Feast of San Nicola da Tolentino is celebrated on September 10th.
Some representation of the saint
- San Nicola da Tolentino is a painting on wood by Piero della Francesca, from the period 1454-1469, on display in the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan.
- San Nicola da Tolentino is a canvas dated 1538 by Giovan Battista di Jacopo, called Rosso Fiorentino. The Saint is depicted standing on the terrestrial globe while receiving three crowns: one from Santa Monica, one from two angels in the center and one from Saint Augustine. La Tela is located in Sansepolcro in the Municipal Art Gallery.