Phrases on advertising: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases on advertising, or that particular form of communication used to sell something, a product, a service or the image of a person who wishes to obtain consent.

Quotes on advertising

- Most advertising does not appeal as much to reason as to emotion. (Erich Fromm)

- It's terrible to live in a world of ten-second commercials, where everyone pushes you to buy something, to do something, or to think something. In the past, humans did not suffer such an attack. And I think these constant attacks have made man excessively compliant. Out of direct experience, out of our feelings and sometimes even from our own emotions, we take too readily the point of view offered to us which is not ours. (Michael Crichton)

- It's time for publicity, people seem to live on slogans. (Plunkett)

- Advertising is the art of teaching people to desire certain things. (Herbert George Wells)

- Mass culture is the advertising reflection of the consumerist evolution of the western world. (Edgar Morin)

- Good advertising sells the product without drawing attention to itself. (David Ogilvy)

- Advertisers cannot devise new projects halfway through their work. (John Le Carré)

- Advertising is not a science. It is persuasion. And persuasion is an art. (Bill Bernbach)

- Nowadays, in the contract that the actors sign, it is agreed that a certain amount of advertising will have to be done, which is the most difficult part of the job and is not paid. (Jeff Bridges)

- The caterpillar does all the work, but it's the butterfly that gets all the publicity. (George Carlin)

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- I don't think a serious author ever hesitated to use an expression because it has already been used. They are the advertisers who wear themselves out to attach incongruous epithets to ordinary objects. (Evelyn Waugh)

- Advertising is selling air, but it is precisely that air that makes the mill turn. (Marcel Bleustein)

- We advertise HIV and AIDS not to hide it, because the only way to make it look like a normal disease like tuberculosis, like cancer, is always to bring it out into the open and say that someone died due to the HIV and AIDS viruses. People will stop considering it as something extraordinary. (Nelson Mandela)

- Many small things have become large with appropriate use of advertising. (Mark Twain)

- What is really great in this country is that America has started the custom for which the wealthiest consumer essentially buys the same things as the poorest. As you watch Coca Cola commercials on television, you know that the President also drinks Coca Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca Cola, and you can drink it too. (Andy Warhol)

- With advertising we do not have to sell the steak to the consumer, but the tantalizing moment when he will fry it in the pan. (Ernest Dichter)

- The school is the advertising agency that makes you believe you need the company as it is. (Ivan Illich)

- Advertising, in fact, can be based on impression, it can be limited to hitting the imagination, while propaganda must lead to reflection, reasoning, arousing interest in a specific topic, providing certain information and possibly, when on a certain there are divergent opinions, countering the opposing propaganda directly or allusively. (Albe Steiner)

- I really believe in advertising and the media. My art and my personal life are based on them. I think the art world is a huge reservoir for anyone involved in advertising. (Jeff Koons)

- Advertising is a valuable economic component because it is the cheapest way of selling products, especially if these products are worthless. (Sinclair Lewis)

- Advertising is the modern substitute for discussion: its function is to make what is bad look better. (George Santayana)

- Chess is the most conspicuous waste of human intelligence that can be found outside an advertising agency. (Raymond Chandler)

- Advertising can be described as the science of stopping human intelligence for the time necessary to steal money from it.(Stephen Leacock)

- To be effective, propaganda must be believed. To be believed it must be credible. To be credible it must be true. (Hubert Horatio Humphrey)

- Advertising does not choose for anyone. Allows you to choose better. Stop. (Jacques Séguéla)

- Advertising has destroyed the power of the most powerful adjectives. (Paul Valéry)

- That business that considers itself immune from advertising sooner or later finds itself immune from any type of business. (Dwarf Brown)

Aphorisms on advertising

- I think I'll never see a billboard as beautiful as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboard falls, I will never see a tree. (Ogden Nash)

- Advertising is the foot on the accelerator, the hand on the gas, the spur on the side that keeps our economy afloat. (Robert W. Sarnoff)

- Expensive advertising woo us with advice and pictures. The ordinary one simply says: Buy. (Mason Cooley)

- Fashion and advertising produce uniformity, while claiming to satisfy the public's passion for diversity. (Marshall McLuhan)

- If the advertising doesn't work, you just have to change the goods. (Edgar Faure)

- The first lesson of the brand: memorability. It is very difficult to buy something that you cannot remember. (John Hegarty)

- Many small things have become large with appropriate use of advertising. (Mark Twain)

- Advertising is well worth it if justified by a good cause. The Buddha advertised enlightenment or nirvana. If advertising is reasonable and beneficial, it is fine; but if it is motivated only by profit, fraud and exploitation, or if it is misleading, then it is wrong to implement it. (Dalai Lama)

- Advertising is the art of creating whole lies from half-truths. (Edgar A.Shoaff)

- You can fool everyone, and always, if the advertising is well done and the budget is high enough. (Joseph E. Levine)

- Your advertising, and your products, must not be directed to the masses. Your advertising, and your products, must be directed to the customers you would choose if you could choose which customers to serve. (Seth Godin)

- Promises, great promises, are the soul of advertising. (Samuel Johnson)

- Advertising contains the only noteworthy truths in a newspaper. (Thomas Jefferson)

- Each advertisement is nothing more than an attempt to separate man from his money. (John Priestley)

- In the arts, critics are the only independent sources of information. The rest is advertising. (Pauline Kael)

- There are huge advertising budgets only when there is no difference between the products. If the products were really different, people would buy what is best. Advertising teaches people not to trust their judgment. Advertising teaches people to be stupid. (Carl Sagan)

- Advertising can be defined as the science of stopping human intelligence for the time necessary to steal money from it. (Stephen Butler Leacock)

- Advertising inflation has destroyed the power of the most powerful adjectives. (Paul Valéry)

- Nobody counts the volume of advertising you manage; they only remember the impression aroused. (Bill Bernbach)

- Isn't it possible that advertising as a whole is a fantastic fraud, which presents an image of America taken seriously by anyone, least of all the men who work in advertising? (David Riesman)

- Advertising and Hollywood constantly try to penetrate the unconscious of a large audience, not to understand their minds, but to impose certain collective dreams and exploit them for profit. (Herbert Marshall McLuhan)

- All scandals help advertising, because there is no better advertising than bad advertising. (Andy Warhol)

- The secret of all originality effective in advertising is not the creation of new and cunning words, but that of putting familiar words and images in a new relationship. (Leo Burnett)

- The values ​​of our society are damaged by the insistence of advertising on the equation: youth equals popularity, popularity equals success, success equals happiness. (John Fisher)

- The first law of advertising is to avoid concrete promises and cultivate the delightfully vague. (Bill Cosby)

- Today the eloquence models are not the classics, but the advertising agencies. (Marshall McLuhan)

- Advertising degrades people by depriving them of the possibility to choose. (Carrie Snow)

Phrases on advertising

- Advertising is the sound of a stick in a waste bucket. (George Orwell)

- I like to deal with stupid product advertisements, but with my job I try to create different advertisements than usual. (Renny Harlin)

- To have your life in hand, you have to check the quantity and type of messages you are exposed to. (Chuck Palahniuk)

- Advertising is based on one thing: happiness. And do you know what happiness is? Happiness is a new machine, it is getting rid of fear, it is an advertising billboard that catches your eye and shouts out loud that whatever you do is well done, and that you are ok. (Jon Hamm)

- The problem we have in America is not that the poetry of life has turned into prose, me that has turned into an advertising slogan. (Louis Kronenberger)

- Those who recognize me do so because of the advertisements. (Justin Long)

- The first law of advertising is to avoid concrete promises and cultivate the delightfully vague. (Bill Cosby)

- Those who watch advertisements or read newspapers do not know that what they read and buy has been paid for with their tax money. (George Miller)

- Advertising excites, falls in love, seduces. It arouses emotions. A kilo of advertising can contain 999 grams of rationality, but it will shine and stand out for its gram of madness. (Luis Bassat)

- The only way to advertise something is to divert attention from the product you want to sponsor. (Calvin Klein)

- Advertising is a means designed to make you dissatisfied with what you have and make you want what you don't have. (Serge Latouche)

- Everything is now done in an advertising style. (Roger Allam)

- People don't buy products and services, but relationships, stories and magic. (Seth Godin)

- Advertising is the accelerator of the best and worst without anything that can stop the speed taken. (Jacques Seguelà)

- Three ingredients are needed to allow the consumer society to continue its diabolical carousel: advertising, which creates the desire to consume, credit, which provides the means, and the accelerated and planned obsolescence of products, which renews the need. (Serge Latouche)

- Fashion and advertising produce uniformity, while claiming to satisfy the public's passion for diversity. (Herbert Marshall McLuhan)

- Ninety percent of the success of any product or service lies in its promotion and marketing. (Mark Victor Hansen)

- What is the difference between ethical and anti-ethical advertising? Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public. Ethical advertising uses truth to deceive the public. (Vilhjalmur Stefansson)

- Nobody, apart from the mint, can make money without advertising. (Thomas Macaulay)

- The woman is always won by advertising, and fatally rushes to the noise. (Emile Zola)

- The more interesting the program, the more it will be interrupted by advertising. (Arthur Bloch)

- Advertising is not a science. It is persuasion. And persuasion is an art. (Bill Bernbach)

- Selling a product without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark: you know what you're doing but nobody else knows. (Edgar Watson Howe)

- Great designers rarely become great advertising men, because they are overwhelmed by the beauty of the design - and forget the goods that must be sold. (James Randolph Adams)

- Most advertising does not appeal as much to reason as to emotion. (Erich Fromm)

- It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and in-depth when it is interrupted every twelve minutes by twelve dancing bunnies who sing a toilet paper. (Rod Serling)

- Advertising is the only art form that America invented and developed. (Gore Vidal)

- Advertising is the legalized lie. (Herbert George Wells)

- Those who stop advertising to save money are as if they stop the clock to save time. (Henry Ford)

- Advertising, advertising and more publicity is the predominant force and moral factor of public life. (Joseph Pulitzer)

- Advertising is the largest form of art of the twentieth century. (Marshall McLuhan)

- Thank goodness you can't buy happiness. We could not stand the advertisements. (Stan Lee)

- You can know the ideals of a nation through its advertising. (Norman Douglas)

How to Pronounce QUOTE -- American English Pronunciation (March 2024)

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