Phrases on boredom: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and sentences on boredom, or on that sense of inner malaise that afflicts those who find themselves in a situation of monotony, a condition often associated with impatience, irritation and disgust.

Quotes about boredom

- Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. (Marilyn Monroe)

- Boredom is the disease of life. One makes obstacles to jump over them. (Alfred De Vigny)

- Don't be afraid of getting bored because some of the most amazing things are created through boredom. (Rachel Hamilton)

- Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time, serenity, that nothing is. (Thomas Stephen Szasz)

- It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are divided into nice and boring. (Oscar Wilde)

- Only boring people get bored. They have to goad all the time to feel alive. (Charles Bukowski)

- A city where I have not been bored is a city that has taught me nothing. (Albert Camus)

- When necessary, I am very serious; but I wish I wasn't boring. (Voltaire)

- I am rarely and never bored alone. (Valeriu Butulescu)

- Occupation and boredom are simply incompatible. (Dorothee Deluzy)

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  • Phrases on boredom: aphorisms, quotes

- The cure for boredom is curiosity. But there is no cure for curiosity. (Dorothy Parker)

- In order to live happily and freely, you have to sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice. (Richard Bach)

- When I am bored, I drive downtown and look for a large parking space, then I sit in the car and count how many people ask me if I leave. (Steven Wright)

- When people are bored, they are mainly bored with themselves. (Eric Hoffer)

- Boredom is an evil that should not be taken lightly. It can eventually lead to true despair. The public authority takes precautions against it everywhere, as against other universal disasters. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- The gods also fight in vain against boredom. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- We must work, if not for taste, at least out of desperation. In fact, all things considered, working is less boring than having fun. (Charles Baudelaire)

- The man who allows himself to be bored is even more reprehensible than the one who bores him. (Samuel Butler)

- When people tell us about others they are usually monotonous. But when they talk to us about themselves they are almost always interesting, and if you could silence them when they become boring as easily as you can close a book that has bored us, they would be absolutely perfect. (Oscar Wilde)

- Boredom is simply given by ignorance and lack of imagination. (Susan Ertz)

- Boredom is nothing but the pure desire for happiness not satisfied by pleasure, and not openly offended by displeasure. (Giacomo Leopardi)

- I always love to be creative, if I weren't I would be bored and boredom is a crime. (Karl Lagerfeld)

- People forgive a man everything except a boring speech. (Winston Churchill)

- Boredom is like a merciless run through the epidermis of time. Each moment is dilated and enlarged like the pores of the face. (Charlotte Whitton)

- We often forgive those who bore us, but we cannot forgive those we bore. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

- Man was born to live in the convulsions of restlessness or in the lethargy of boredom. (Voltaire)

- The boredom of certain conversations is that the conversationalists speak too loudly for their words to fall asleep. (George Bernard Shaw)

- Extreme boredom is used to hunt boredom. (Francois De La Rochefoucauld)

- In ordinary boredom, you don't want anything, you don't even have the curiosity to cry; in excess of boredom the opposite occurs, because this excess incites action, and crying is an action. (EM Cioran)

- The secret to being boring is to tell everything. (Voltaire)

- We are all doomed to become boring. (Paul Valéry)

Aphorisms on boredom

- Discussing how old you are is boredom. (Ruth Gordon)

- Extreme boredom is used to hunt boredom. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

- Boredom is a kind of yearning for ideal pleasure. (Immanuel Kant)

- A woman's boredom always has a name: that of the man she lives with. (André Suarès)

- Between two who love, there is always one who loves more and suffers; the other loves less and is bored. (Honoré De Balzac)

- Boredom is the disease of happy people; the unfortunate are not bored, they are too busy. (Abel Dufresne)

- Life is boring like a story told twice. Irritating to the dazed ears of a sleepy old man. (William Shakespeare)

- Boredom is the source of the worst evils: play, hangover, dissipations, intrigues, and so on, have their origin, if you look to the end, in boredom. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- Human life is like a pendulum that oscillates incessantly between boredom and pain, with fleeting intervals, and moreover illusory, of pleasure and joy. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- Whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven is even worse. (Isaac Asimov)

- Boredom creates an impatience towards one's life and a violent desire to improve it. (Norman Mailer)

- The war between being and nothingness is the underlying disease of the twentieth century. Boredom kills multiple existences of a war. (Norman Mailer)

- Work is the narcotic for boredom. (Herbert Marshall Mcluhan)

- Boredom is like a merciless run through the epidermis of time. Each moment is dilated and enlarged like the pores of the face. (Charlotte Whitton)

- Laziness is the refusal to do not only what is boring, but also that multitude of acts which without being, strictly speaking, boring, are all useless. (Henry De Montherlant)

- A man can endure anything except a succession of ordinary days. (Goethe)

- I like long walks, especially when people who bore me do it. (Fred Allen)

- Old people repeat themselves and young people have nothing to say. Boredom is mutual. (Jacques Bainville)

- All genres are fine except the boring genre. (Voltaire)

- Friends are sometimes boring, but enemies never. (Mason Cooley)

- Boredom is one of the least serious evils we have to endure. (Marcel Proust)

- Being distracted almost always means changing the way you get bored. (Charles Régismanset)

- Be brave, which sometimes means being obnoxious, but never ever being boring. (Adam Lefevre)

- The positive side of being a celebrity is that when you bore people, they think it's their fault. (Henry Kissinger)

- Our existence is something essentially restless: for this reason complete inactivity is soon unbearable, causing the most frightening boredom. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- If monkeys could get bored, they could become men. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

- Work keeps us away from three great evils: boredom, vice and need. (Voltaire)

- There are such boring people that make us miss a day in 5 minutes. (Jules Renard)

- Perfection has a serious flaw; has a tendency to be boring. (William Somerset Maugham)

- The definition of boredom: so little to do and so much time to do it. (Manfred Wheidorn)

- Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some activity in which you believe with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find a happiness that you thought you could never have. (Dale Carnegie)

Phrases about boredom

- The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom. (Alexander Graham Bell)

- Why do you wonder so much if traveling is bored? By bringing yourself with you, you ended up traveling with the individual you wanted to escape from. (Socrates)

- Boredom: the desire for desires. (Lev Tolstoj)

- Being bored is an insult to yourself. (Jules Renard)

- Boredom is all our superiority over animals. (Claude Adrien Helvétius)

- You have to work, if not out of taste, at least out of desperation, since, all things considered, working is less boring than having fun. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- Boredom is defined as the greatest suffering of the soul, boredom means perennial dissatisfaction with what you already have, inability to rest. (Blaise Pascal)

- In all things, boredom is close to the greatest pleasures. (Guide)

- Only the most acute and active animals are capable of experiencing boredom. A theme for a great poet would be the boredom of God on the seventh day of creation. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- It is normal to get bored. It's part of life. Learn to tolerate it. (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.)

- Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time, serenity, that nothing is. (Thomas Szasz)

- There are such boring people who make us miss a day in five minutes. (Jules Renard)

- Men eventually get bored with the things that fascinated them in the beginning, they would desert the table of the gods and, over time, the nectar would become scipid for them. (Jean de La Bruyère)

- Boredom is feeling that everything is a waste of time, serenity is feeling that nothing is. (Thomas Stephen Szasz)

- Boredom is the noblest of human feelings as it shows us the insufficiency of things existing in the face of the greatness of our desire. (Giacomo Leopardi)

- The main product of an automated company is a widespread and profound sense of boredom. (Cyril Northcote Parkinson)

- The two World Wars happened, like much of modern art and literature, in part because men, whose nature is to get bored of everything, had in turn become bored with common sense and civilization. (Frank Lawrence Lucas)

- It is absurd to classify people as good and bad. People are pleasant, or boring. (Oscar Wilde)

- In life, you have to choose: boredom or boredom. (Paul Brulat)

- How monotonous even enthusiasm can become, if continued! (Stefan Zweig)

- Boredom has created more avarice players, more drunk with thirst, and perhaps more suicidal than desperation. (Charles Caleb Colton)

- There is no more boring conversation than that where everyone agrees. (Michel Eyquem De Montaigne)

- Life swings like a pendulum, here and there, between pain and boredom, which are actually its real building blocks. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- A certain ability to bear boredom is therefore indispensable for having a happy life, and it is one of the things that should be taught to young people. (Bertrand Russell)

- Need and deprivation generate pain; on the other hand, safety and abundance cause boredom. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- The life of the people who work is boring. Interesting are the events and the fate of the losers. (Hermann Hesse)

- I can't think of a time when boredom was not there, by my side, in the air, in my words and those of others, on my face and on all faces. (EM Cioran)

- Isn't life a hundred times too short to get bored? (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- What is love? A fever attack that ends with a yawn. (Oscar Wilde)

- Boredom is the most sterile of human passions. Just as she is the daughter of nothingness, so she is the mother of nothingness: since she is not only sterile in herself, but makes everything that is put or approached as such. (Giacomo Leopardi)

- When animals yawn they have a human face. (Karl Kraus)

Boredom Quotes and Sayings - Quotes About Being Bored (January 2025)

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