Phrases on chastity: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and sentences on chastity, or on the condition of those who renounce having sexual relations for reasons that can be of various kinds, ethical, religious and philosophical.

Quotes about chastity

- I had just passed a whole year of chastity based on the personal belief that lust is the direct cause of birth which is the direct cause of pain and death and truly without exaggerating I had come to the point of considering offensive and even cruel lust. (Jack Kerouac)

- Be blessed in your chaste heart! Holiness is not to be stoned in the land of Paganìa or to kiss a leper on the mouth, but to do God's will, promptly, whether it is to stay in our place, or to rise higher. (Paul Claudel)

- A woman who is not tempted cannot boast of her chastity. (Michel de Montaigne)

- If chastity is not a virtue, it is certainly a force. (Jules Renard)

- Chastity, which as a young man had considered a superstition to fight, now appeared to him one of the faces of serenity: he savored the cold knowledge that one has of beings when we no longer desire them. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

- No one therefore considers himself the son of Mary, worthy of being welcomed under his powerful tutelage, if following her example he does not prove meek, just and chaste, contributing with love to true fraternity, not injuring and harming, but helping and comforting . (Pius XII)

- Yes, the nuns have not only made a vow of chastity, but also have sturdy bars on their windows. (Georg Lichtenberg)

- Women are not allowed complexity and facets: either you are a lady or you are a whore. (Charlize Theron)

- The whole secret of man's non-being-desire lies in this expression: renunciation of enjoyment, which psychoanalysts take in a sense that denies it: for them, enjoyment is not given up but to enjoy it better. (Philippe Némo)

- When a woman is truly chaste, she is also incorruptible; I will less easily believe in the moral failures of angelic women. (Sully Prudhomme)

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- Chastity perpetuates youth. In the tired and hollow faces of some priests I have seen the eyes of a teenager. (François Mauriac)

- Chastity is a virtue in some, but in many it touches the vice. Of course, they are abstinent: but the sensuality bitch watches with envy from everything they do. From the heights of their virtue and into the cold interiority of the spirit, the beast follows them with its dissatisfaction. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- Chastity: religious form of impotence. (Charles Régismanset)

- She is a male, she is an artist, she is large, generous, devoted, chaste; it has the masculine aspect: ergo, it is not a woman. (Honoré De Balzac)

- The good name is based more on appearance than on facts. So if one is not chaste, be at least cautious. (Baltasar Graciàn)

- Too chaste adolescence makes dissolute old age. (André gide)

- Art is never chaste, it should be kept away from all the ignorant candidates. They should never let unprepared people approach you. Yes, art is dangerous. If it is chaste, it is not art. (Pablo Picasso)

- Our priesthood is a priesthood of virgins. Chastity is the crystal wall that rises between us and the enemies of the church. Even the greedy, proud, Pharisee priest; as long as the sign of chastity remains on his forehead, God and many men will forgive him. (Henri-Dominique Lacordaire)

- Chastity: the pleasure of not enjoying. (Georges Elgozy)

- Give me chastity and continence; but not immediately. (St. Augustine)

- Skepticism, like chastity, should not be abandoned with too much concern. (George Santayana)

- When you have decided firmly to lead a clear life, chastity will not be a burden for you: it will be a triumphal crown. (San Josémaria Escriva de Balaguer)

Aphorisms on chastity

- Abstinence always takes revenge. One produces pustules, the other laws on sex. (Karl Kraus)

- Women who are too virtuous have within themselves something that is never chaste. (Denis Diderot)

- Merit has its modesty like chastity. (Charles Pinot Duclos)

- Chastity, which as a young man had considered a superstition to fight, now appeared to him one of the faces of serenity: he savored the cold knowledge that one has of beings when we no longer desire them. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

- There are no chaste ones; only infirm, hypocrites, maniacs and madmen. (Anatole France)

- Complete abstinence in young people is often not the best preparation for marriage. Women feel this, and among their suitors they prefer those who have already proven their manhood with other women. (Sigmund Freud)

- There are no chaste ones; only infirm, hypocrites, maniacs and madmen. (Anatole France)

- Our priesthood is a priesthood of virgins ... Chastity is the crystal wall that rises between us and the enemies of the church. [...] Even the greedy, proud, Pharisee priest; as long as the sign of chastity remains on his forehead, God and many men will forgive him. (Henri Dominique Lacordaire)

- A chastity that has not bitten the pillow is a frigid or infantile chastity. Virtue has always cost dearly. (E. Radius)

- It is not always by value and chastity that men are valiant and chaste women. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

- Making a vow of chastity means promising God the constant infringement of the wisest and most important of his laws. (Denis Diderot)

- Although the progress of civilization has undoubtedly contributed to mitigating the most ferocious passions of human nature, it seems they have been less favorable to the virtue of chastity ... The refinements of life corrupt, while relations between the sexes are refined. (Edward Gibbon)

- Your old virginity is like one of our French pears: it's ugly, it's dry to the taste. (William Shakespeare)

- Chastity is a form of avarice. (Stendhal)

- Those who do not practice chastity, who do not acquire merit as young people, perish like old herons in a lake without fish. (Buddha)

- Few men speak humbly of humility, chastely of chastity, skeptically skepticism. (Blaise Pascal)

- Dirt and age, everyone will agree, are powerful guardians of chastity. (Geoffrey Chaucer)

- Abstinence is one of the most refined forms of sexual pleasure. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- Enjoying all the pleasures is foolish; avoid them, senseless. (Plutarch)

- Purity in life is freedom from sin. (Horace)

- What are all the orgies of Bacchus in the presence of the intoxications of the one who wildly abandons himself to continence! (Karl Kraus)

- Chastity must be imagined as a kind of long, very long preliminary. (Dan Savage)

Phrases on chastity

- Chastity is a form of avarice. (Stendhal)

- The poet must be chaste and pious; but there is no need for his verses to be such. (Gaius Valerio Catullo)

- She alone is a caste who was never prayed by anyone, or if she prayed, was not answered. (Giovanni Boccaccio)

- Lord, give me chastity and continence, but not immediately. (St. Augustine)

- Of all sexual aberrations, perhaps the most bizarre is chastity. (Rémy De Gourmont)

- In friendship, there is no sexual attraction. If the human being wishes to know divine love through friendship, he must establish a chaste relationship and completely forget sex; then friendship nourishes divine love. (Paramhansa Yogananda)

- She is chaste who has never been solicited. (Publius Ovid Nasone)

Of all sexual perversions, the most singular is perhaps chastity. (Remy de Gourmont)

- A woman who is not tempted cannot boast of her chastity. (Michel Eyquem De Montaigne)

- Loneliness puts chastity to the test. (Luc De Clapiers De Vauvenargues)

- It is amusing that a virtue is made of the vice of chastity; and it is a rather strange form of chastity that brings some men straight to the vice of Onan and the girls to fade their complexion. (Voltaire)

- Too chaste adolescence makes dissolute old age. (André Gide)

- I have heard or read somewhere the candid confession of a Benedictine abbot: My vow of poverty has earned me one hundred thousand scudi a year, my vow of obedience has elevated me to the rank of a sovereign prince. I forgot the consequences of his vow of chastity. (Edward Gibbon)

- Female chastity consists, as with onion, in a series of clothes. (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

- It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity is considered a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge. (Voltaire)

- The preaching of chastity is a public instigation to be countered. Every contempt for sexual life, every contamination of it through the concept of "impure" is the real sin against the sacred spirit of life. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- It's nice to keep your virtue. But if you have lost it, don't hang yourself. (Jean De La Fontaine)

- Give me chastity and continence, but wait a moment. (St. Augustine)

- Said a blank sheet of snow: 'I was created pure, and I want to remain like this forever.I would prefer to be burned and end to ashes than to be prey to darkness and be touched by what is impure. A bottle of ink heard what the paper was saying, and laughed in his dark heart, but never dared to get close. They felt the multicolored pencils, but they also never approached him. And the snow-white sheet remained pure and chaste forever - pure and chaste - but empty. (Khalil Gibran)

- Finally, we must come to understand that chastity is no more a virtue than malnutrition is. (Alex Comfort)

- Your old virginity is like one of our French pears: it's ugly, it's dry to the taste. (William Shakespeare)

- The chastity of a woman is made, like an onion, of overlapping wraps. (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

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