Phrases on fantasy: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and sentences on fantasy, or on the ability of the spirit to mentally imagine complex representations partially or completely different from reality.

Quotes about fantasy

- Fantasy works should be written in really flat language; the more they are purely imaginary the more they need to be simple. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

- Imagination is the queen of truth, and the possible is one of the provinces of truth. (Charles Baudelaire)

- Fantasy is nothing but an aspect of memory released from the order of time and space. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

- Everyone knows that something is impossible to accomplish, until someone unwary arrives who does not know it and invents it. (Albert Einstein)

- Not the intellect, but the fantasy, and not any fantasy of consciousness, but what is realized as a game of the existential foundation is the organ that allows existence to ascertain its being. (Karl Theodor Jaspers)

- Falling in love simply consists of uncorking the imagination and bottling common sense. (Helen Rowland)

- Dreams are nothing but interludes, produced by the imagination. When sovereign reason sleeps, this imitation awakens. (John Dryden)

- There are more things in heaven and on earth, Horace, than your philosophy dreams of. (William Shakespeare)

- Truth must necessarily be stranger than fantasy, because fantasy is the creation of the human mind and therefore is congenial to it. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

- Every man loves two women: one created by his imagination, the other has yet to be born. (Khalil Gibran)

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- A childhood is something that everyone wants to have memories of. It leaves no fossils behind, except perhaps in fantasy. (Carol Shields)

- The history of evolution teaches that the universe has never stopped being creative or inventive. (Karl Popper)

- Only the imagination always remains young, what has never happened never gets old. (Friedrich Schiller)

- In life everything is repeated: eternally young is the only fantasy. (Friedrich Schiller)

- In the castles in the air it is easy to seek refuge. They are also easier to build. (Henrik Johan Ibsen)

- Discovery consists in seeing what everyone has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. (Albert Szent Gyorgyi)

- Love is the meeting of two egoisms and the exchange of two fantasies. (Paul Aùguez)

- The only difference between fantasy and reality is that fantasy must make sense. (Tom Clancy)

- The world of fantasy is the world of the realization of desire. (Thomas Neill)

- Who has imagination without knowledge has wings, but is without feet. (Joseph Joubert)

- All non-fantasy can do is answer questions. Her fantasy task is to ask her. (Richard Hughes)

- I paint objects as I think of them, not as I see them. (Pablo Picasso)

- Fantasy is the most scientific of all faculties. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- Fantasy assembles scattered traits to build a new object. Imagination settles at the center of a real object. (Nicolás Gómez Dávila)

- Everyone has their own fantasies to prepare for reality. (Kees Buddingh)

- Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination surrounds the world. (Albert Einstein)

- Fantasy takes root where reality wants to die. (James Joyce)

- Often it is the lack of imagination that prevents a man from suffering too much. (Marcel Proust)

- The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates. (Oscar Wilde)

- Your imagination is limited only by your imagination. (Bo Fowler)

Aphorisms on fantasy

- Fantasy does not make castles in the air, but transforms shacks into castles in the air. (Karl Kraus)

- The devil can do nothing against the will, very little on intelligence and all on fantasy. (Joris Karl Huysmans)

- The enthusiastic Fantasia has always skipped school. (William Hazlitt)

- The creative person is at the same time more primitive and more cultured, more destructive, more angry and much healthier than the average person. (Frank Barron)

- The spirits are complexes of the collective unconscious that manifest when the individual loses adaptation to reality, or they try to replace the inadequate attitude of an entire people with a new way of thinking. So they are pathological fantasies or new ideas still unknown. (Carl Gustav Jung)

- By becoming too powerful, fantasies set the conditions for the birth of a neurosis or a psychosis. (Sigmund Freud)

- With what is fantasy grown? With heart or mind? (Gene Wilder)

- Whoever becomes a slave to habit dies slowly, repeating the same paths every day, who does not change the gear, who does not risk and changes the color of his clothes, who does not speak to those who do not know. (Pablo Neruda)

- Creativity and originality do not arise from the refusal of predetermined forms, but from the imaginative use made of them. (Gerald Graff)

- Leaving a loved one is a sign of exhausted fantasy. (Hugo von Hofmannsthal)

- I had already learned to never empty the well of my imagination, but to always stop when there was still something, at the bottom, and to let it return to fill up during the night with the water from the springs that fed it. (Ernest Hemingway)

- Everything you can imagine is real. (Pablo Picasso)

- We live in a world of fantasies and illusions. Our most difficult task is to find reality. (Iris Murdoch)

- Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. (Mary Lou Cook)

- The fantasy of poets knows no limits and their inventions do not respect any truth. (Ovid)

- Imagination is used to travel and costs less. (George William Curtis)

- Men live in a fantasy world. I know because I'm in one of those worlds, and in fact I don't get the mail over there. (Scott Adams)

- Knowing is nothing; imagine is everything. (Anatole France)

- Politics is a stone at the neck of literature which, in less than six months, submerges it. Politics in the midst of fantasy interests is a gunshot in the middle of a concert. (Stendhal)

- A mass of rock ceases to be a pile of rock when a single man contemplates it, imagining it inside as a cathedral. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

- As madness, in a certain sense elevated, is the beginning of all wisdom, so schizophrenia is the beginning of all the arts, of every fantasy. (Hermann Hesse)

- I close my eyes to be able to see. (Paul Gauguin)

- Like those who travel to see a desired city with their own eyes and imagine that the delights of fantasy can be enjoyed in a reality. (Marcel Proust)

- Fantasy is a force of nature. Isn't this enough to fill a man with ecstasy? Fantasy, fantasy, fantasy. (Saul Bellow)

- Always leave bridle free to the imagination, pleasure is never in our house. (John Keats)

- Everything you can imagine nature has already created. (Albert Einstein)

- It is passion and imagination that make us eloquent. (Marco Fabio Quintiliano)

- Without imagination, reality is a boring spectacle that intelligence examines and classifies. Without reality, imagination is a mechanism that reiterates always the same paths. (Nicolás Gómez Dávila)

- Fantasy comes farther than sight. (Baltasar Gracian)

- O fantasy, inextinguishable source from which the artist and the scientist drink! Live with us, even if you are recognized and honored by a few, to preserve us from the so-called reason, from that fleshless and bloodless ghost. (Franz Schubert)

Phrases about fantasy

- Fantasy is best exercised through legal studies. Never has a poet interpreted nature as freely as a jurist reads the laws! (Jean Giraudoux)

- Reason never dominates the imagination, while the imagination frequently dispossesses reason. (Blaise Pascal)

- Fantasy is a perpetual spring. (Friedrich Schiller)

- Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. (Albert Einstein)

- We often feel that we are missing something, and just what we are missing we seem to find it in another person to whom we attribute all that we also have, and also an ideal grace. So imagine the happy man. And it is a creature of our fantasy. (Goethe)

- Every major scientific advance has sprung from a bold new imagination. (John Dewey)

- If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can completely transform a million realities. (Maya Angelou)

- Those who dream by day know many things that escape those who dream only at night. (Edgar Allan Poe)

- When I reflect on myself and my intellectual methods, it almost seems to me that the gift of fantasy has served me more than the ability to seize absolute knowledge. (Albert einstein)

- I admit I have an imagination so feverish as to merge common sense. (Dean R. Koontz)

- Lovers and madmen have such ardent brains with such inventive fantasies that they create more than cold reason can understand. The lover, the madman and the poet have the same fantasy. (William Shakespeare)

- If you want to see the valleys, go up to the top of the mountain. If you want to see the top of the mountain, rise up above the cloud.But if you try to understand the cloud, close your eyes and think. (Khalil Gibran)

- Fantasy is nothing but memory or dilated or composed. (Giambattista Vico)

- Not all prisons have bars: there are many other less obvious ones from which it is difficult to escape, because we do not know we are prisoners. They are the prisons of our cultural automatisms that castrate the imagination, the source of creativity. (Henri Laborit)

- The power of a lively fantasy is the main component of any magic operation. (Paracelsus)

- Fantasy is the thing that some people can't even imagine. (Gabriel Laub)

- Were it not for the imagination, sir, a man would be as happy in the arms of a maid as in those of a duchess. (Samuel Johnson)

- What is shown today was once only imagined. (William Blake)

- Without money and without time, the imagination is reduced to a passing dream that cannot be translated into action. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. (Oscar Wilde)

- By becoming too powerful, fantasies set the conditions for the birth of a neurosis or a psychosis. (Sigmund Freud)

- There are painters who turn the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and intelligence, turn a yellow spot into the sun. (Pablo Picasso)

- There is a place between fantasy and reality, a place where there are no limits, neither absolute nor relative. (E.L.James)

- The imagination sometimes spreads wings as big as the sky in a prison as big as a hand. (Alfred de Musset)

- Lovers have, like madmen, such an excitable brain and such a fruitful fantasy, that they see far more things than cold reason can later explain. (William Shakespeare)

- The soul without imagination is like an observatory without a telescope. (Henry Ward Beecher)

- Creativity is an attempt to resolve a conflict generated by instinctive biological drives that are not discharged, therefore unfulfilled desires are the driving force of fantasy and feed night and daydream. (Sigmund Freud)

- Only those who can see the invisible, can do the impossible! (Patrick Snow)

- He knew it would be enough to open his eyes to return to the faded reality without fantasy of adults. (Lewis Carroll)

- Man was born to create. The human vocation is to imagine, invent, dare new businesses. (Michael Novak)

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