Phrases on the critical sense: aphorisms on criticism


Collection of sentences on the critical sense, or that which has as its aim the achievement of a peaceful judgment through mental elaborations of discernment through aphorisms on criticism and sentences on criticizing.

Phrases on the critical sense

- It is difficult to accept criticism, especially when it comes from a relative, friend, acquaintance or stranger. (Franklin P. Jones)

- The difference between constructive criticism and malicious criticism? The first is what you do to others. The second is what others do to you. (Frank Walsh)

- In true love nothing is criticized. If you love me, love me with my faults! Love me for who I am! Don't ask me anything, don't judge me. I have nothing to give you: we will do something together. I love you as you are, I don't ask you for anything, I don't want you to change, I don't exert pressure in this sense. (Alejandro Jodorowsky)

- In the most vulnerable years of his youth, my father gave me advice that never went out of my mind. "When you feel like criticizing someone - he told me - remember that not everyone in this world has had the advantages that you have had." (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)

- They will always criticize you, speak ill of you and it will be difficult for you to meet someone you can like as you are! So live, do what your heart tells you, life is like a theater opera, but it has no initial rehearsals: sing, dance, laugh and live intensely every day of your life before the opera ends without applause. (Charlie Chaplin)

- Every person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be gentle. Always. (Plato)

- Instead of spending our lives running towards our dreams, we are often fleeing the fear of failure or the fear of criticism. (Eric Wright)

- No man can rightly criticize or condemn another man, because no man really knows another. (Sir Thomas Browne)

- A long examination of conscience should be done before thinking about criticizing others. (Molière)

- Someone said that it takes less mental effort to condemn than to think. (Emma Goldman)

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- Before criticizing the lives of others, have you ever thought of taking stock of yours? (Anonymous)

- You don't criticize an egg because it's not a chicken. (Lin-Chi)

- Tearing apart is the job of those who can't build. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

- There will always be Eskimos ready to lay down rules on how the inhabitants of the Congo should behave during the heat. (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

- The highest degree to which a mediocre but experienced spirit can rise is the ability to discover the weaknesses of men better than him. (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

- The hunchback does not see his hump, but that of his companion. (Proverb)

- We acquire the right to severely criticize a person only when we have managed to convince them of our affection and the loyalty of our judgment, and when we are sure that we will not be absolutely irritated if our judgment is not accepted or respected. In other words, to be able to criticize, you should have a loving ability, a clear intuition and absolute tolerance. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- People who do nothing are always the first to criticize everything. (Charles Spurgeon)

- The criticism may not be pleasant, but it is necessary. It performs the same function as pain in the human body. Draws attention to an unhealthy state of affairs. If it is listened to in time, the danger can be avoided; if put aside, a fatal disease can develop. (Sir Winston Churchill)

- Criticism is a very convenient thing: you attack with a word, you need pages to defend yourself. (Voltaire)

- When you have to correct someone, be resolute to do it not in the form of blame. Before criticizing, look at the situation from your partner's perspective. Then be careful to speak calmly and tactfully. Choose the words carefully before saying them. (Zelig Pliskin)

- Before criticizing anyone, walk a mile in their shoes. (Proverb)

- The criticisms are the tax that a man pays to the public to be famous. (Jonathan Swift)

- Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn, and most fools do it. But it takes character and self-control to exercise understanding and forgiveness. (Dale Carnegie)

- People criticize, criticize, criticize ... and meanwhile rosica, rosica, rosica. (Anonymous)

- Whichever path you decide to take, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties that arise and lead you to believe that your critics are right. To draw an action plan and to follow it to the end it takes ... courage. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

- You need a high degree of corruption or a big heart to love absolutely everything. (Gustave Flaubert)

- Feel satisfied with acting well, and let others talk about you as they please. (Pythagoras)

Aphorisms on criticism

- Don't worry about criticism. If it is not true, ignore it; if it is unfair, avoid irritating yourself; if he is ignorant, smile; if it is justified, learn from it. (Anonymous)

- Criticism is a tax that envy perceives on merit. (Pierre-Marc-Gaston de Lévis)

- The ninety-nine cents of the criticism that is made among men does not arise already from the love of truth, but from presumption, arrogance, acrimony, quarrelsome, hateful jealousy. (Arturo Graf)

- There will always be those who criticize you, the only thing to do is continue to trust, being careful who you trust twice. (Gabriel García Marquez)

- For each action, there is an equal and opposite criticism. (Harrison Postulate, Arthur Bloch)

- It is easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It is much more difficult to make one. (Chuck Palahniuk)

- A critic is someone who gives his best when you have given the worst of you. (Anonymous)

- Often those who criticize others reveal what they lack. (Anonymous)

- To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. (Aristotle)

- If you accept praise, you must also accept criticism. Which are often undeserved. Just like praise. (Anonymous)

- Don't criticize what you can't understand. (Bob Dylan)

- You should always reserve the right to laugh at the aftermath of your own eve ideas. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

- You cannot criticize and be diplomatic at the same time. (Ezra Pound)

- There is a kind of pleasure in scolding yourself. When we criticize ourselves, we feel that no one else has the right to criticize us. (Oscar Wilde)

- A dozen fake compliments stand better than a single sincere reproach. (Mark Twain)

- Self-criticism is as necessary to us as air. (Stalin)

- Let the improvement and completion of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others. (H. Jackson Brown Jr.)

- Self-criticism is credible only if it rests on something unequivocally real: on a bad deed that we have truly committed, on abject intentions, on a failure, on a disgrace that we have caused or that we could have prevented. (Elias Canetti)

- Those who can do and do have neither time nor desire to criticize what others are doing too much. (Arturo Graf)

- Getting bored is a form of criticism. (Douglas Coupland)

- In my vast experience of life, in the encounters with several great characters, I have never known anyone, however famous and realized he was, who did not work better and did not do more in an atmosphere of approval rather than criticism. (Charles M. Schwab)

- The criticism is the power of impotence. (Alphonse de Lamartine)

- Critic by bringing new ideas, not blaming. (Guide)

- Even the most stupid of men suddenly becomes ready in spirit when he finds himself in a position to criticize others. Even the wisest one loses clarity when it comes to criticizing himself. (Chinese proverb)

- The criticism must be made in time; you have to get rid of the bad habit of criticizing later. (Mao Tse Tung)

- The criticisms praise you in the same way as a man who wants to hang you and tells you that you have a really nice neck. (Eli Wallach)

- Being blamed for misfortune is worse than misfortune itself. (Publilio Siro)

- Our criticism is to criticize others for not having the qualities we believe we have. (Jules Renard)

Phrases about criticizing

- Touch is the art of not praising what has already been praised and not criticizing what has already been criticized. (Mikhail Kuzmin)

- Parodies and caricatures are the most acute criticisms. (Aldous Huxley)

- When the masses applaud, one wonders what has been done wrong; when they criticize, one wonders what has been done well. (Charles Caleb Colton)

- We spend half our lives mocking what others believe, and the other half believing in what others mock. (Stefano Benni)

- Doing well and feeling blamed gives satisfaction like royalty. (Antisthenes)

- The criticism is indulgent with crows and is fierce with doves. (Tenth Juvenile Junius)

- Critics are called those people who have nothing to say, but who must speak the same. (Robert Lembke)

- The criticism is a brush that cannot be used on light fabrics, where it would take everything away. (Honoré de Balzac)

- In the face of unjust criticism we can become harsher or better; annoyed or understanding; hostile or humble; angry or willing to forgive. (William Arthur Ward)

- There are two kinds of criticism, one that strives more to see the defects, the other to reveal the beauties. I like more the second that is born of love, and wants to arouse love that is the father of art; while the other seems to me to resemble pride, and under color to seek the truth destroys everything, and leaves the soul sterile. (Luigi Settembrini)

- If you want to criticize a company, you have to place yourself outside it. (Edward Franklin Albee III)

- I am a hypercritical, it is a kind of disease, I have a tendency to reject before being rejected in this way, I save a lot of time and money.
(Woody Allen)

- I gratefully accept the harshest criticism, if only it remains impartial. (Otto von Bismarck)

- The pleasure of criticism takes away that of being strongly affected by beautiful things. (Jean de La Bruyère)

- Learn to endure criticism. Don't be a child spoiled by your own opinions. (Adolph Knigge)

- If it is very painful for you to criticize your friend - then you must do it. But if you're taking pleasure in doing it, then it's time to bite your tongue and shut up. (Alice Duer Miller)

- I've always had a lot of criticism. Offenses are expensive and payable in installments, but are worth much more than cheap compliments. (laresadeitonti, Twitter)

- Scold your friend secretly and praise him in public. (Leonardo da Vinci)

- Don't be afraid when enemies criticize you. Be careful when they applaud you. (Vo Dong Giang)

- When someone expresses an opinion, one must be able to accept it with gratitude even if it does not seem useful. Only on this condition will he share with you what he has heard of you. It is good to make and accept criticism in a friendly way. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo)

- Preaches to friends are made in the ear, not out loud. Loud ones are useless. (Giulio Andreotti)

- It is only through criticism that it is possible to truncate materialism, fatalism, atheism, the unbelief of free thinkers, fanaticism and superstition, which can be harmful to everyone. (Immanuel Kant)

- Has the right to criticize the one who has the heart to help. (Abraham Lincoln)

- Nothing should be considered exempt from criticism: not even this same principle of the critical method. (Karl Popper)

- People ask you for criticism, but in reality they only want praise. (William Somerset Maugham)

- Malignancy dear sir, is the spirit of criticism, and criticism is the origin of progress and civilization. (Thomas Mann)

- We greedily gobble every lie that flatters us, but we drink only in small sips the truth that we find bitter. (Denis Diderot)

- I find that the pain of a small criticism, even if unfounded, is more acute than the pleasure of many praises. (Thomas Jefferson)

Teach Your Inner Critic a New Story | Kari Romeo | TEDxCoeurdalene (April 2024)

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