Phrases on the eyes: aphorisms on looks


Collection of phrases on the eyes, short quotes, beautiful words and aphorisms capable of expressing the beauty of the eyes, such as feelings and mood can be leaked by simple looks.

Aphorisms on the eyes

- The eyes speak an international language managing to express with a single glance all that many words would never be able to do.

- Looking straight in the eye without saying anything in many cases is much more effective than many words.

- Looking at your eyes I see a light that manages to illuminate the darkness present in my heart.

- True happiness is made more visible by the eyes than by the smile.

- If a person can read you in the eyes it means that he has the gift of reading you in the heart.

- The eyes are the mirror of the soul, just look at them in the right way.

- Looking people in the eyes is useful for understanding.

- More than the color of the eyes, the heat they are capable of transmitting counts.

- With our eyes we often look for what our heart wants to see.

- You cannot lie to a person who has been able to read you deep down with his eyes.

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Quotes on the eyes

- Almost nothing has to be said when you know how to use your eyes. (Tarjei Vesaas)

- There is a road that goes from the eyes to the heart without going through the intellect. (GK Chesterton)

- Once it is established that the eyes speak, one must acquire the ability to look at them with the heart, in order to be able to understand if they are truly sincere.

- The beauty of a woman does not depend on the clothes she wears or the appearance she possesses or the way she comb her hair. The beauty of a woman must be perceived from her eyes, because that is the door of her heart, the place where love resides. (Audrey Hepburn)

- Fortunately, the soul has an interpreter - often unconscious, but still a faithful interpreter, the eyes. (Charlotte Bronte)

- I would like to see from your eyes, hear from your ears, feel with your skin, kiss with your mouth. (Frida Kahlo)

- In the end, you were destined to my eyes. (Pablo Neruda)

- Two people who look each other in the eyes do not see their eyes, but their looks. (Robert Bresson)

- The deepest emotions are more externalized by the eyes.

- The eyes, of a light blue gray or a light blue gray - of a somewhat uncertain and ambiguous color, the color, for example, of a distant mountain. (Thomas Mann)

- In many cases a glance is enough to express one's thoughts through the eyes.

- For every minute we keep our eyes closed, we lose sixty seconds of light. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

- The soul is our home; our eyes are its windows, and our words are its messengers. (Kahlil Gibran)

- The eyes tell the truth eyes that open pull away the superfluous eyes not words eyes not promised. (Alejandra Pizarnik)

- The eyes are very important, they are a kind of barometer. See who has a great dryness in the soul, who without a reason can slap the tip of the boot in his ribs, and who instead is afraid of everything and everyone. (Michail Bulgakov)

- An eye can threaten like a loaded gun, or it can insult like hisses or kicks in its altered mood, be a bundle of kindness. It can make the heart dance with joy ... One of the most beautiful things in nature is the look of the eye; transcends words; it is the bodily symbol of identity.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

- The tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes - never! (Michail Bulgakov)

- As the face is the image of the soul, the eyes are its interpreters. (Marco Tullio Cicerone)

- I realized that my eyes shine when I think of you.

- There are people who don't know the color of their friends' eyes. (Ramon Eder)

- All the power of the world is contained in the eyes. (Michael Wincott)

- The world is full of beautiful eyes, but there are few eyes that look at you with sincerity and love. (Bob Marley)

- You don't know but there is someone who just opens his eyes in the morning already has you in his thoughts, and you stay there until the evening until his eyes close. (Goethe)

- When I understand your eyes I listen to your true voice. (Alejandro Lanús)

- Every time you look at me I am born in your eyes. (George Riechmann)

Phrases on looks

- In a person's eyes it is possible to see a person's underwear if one does not stop to look only at the color.

- I will look through the window of your eyes to see you. (Frida Kahlo)

- Your eyes are a beautiful place where my gaze is lost.

- The only beautiful eyes are those that look at you with tenderness. (Coco Chanel)

- Another round in your eyes. Just another, I swear. And then I go down. (Andrew Faber)

- Sometimes when you look him in the eye you have the feeling that someone else is driving. (David Letterman)

- Some things only happen in dreams. Or in your eyes. (Andrew Faber)

- If you want to know a person well, you must first start looking him in the eye.

- From the eyes of women I derive my doctrine: they still shine with the real fire of Prometheus, they are the books, the arts, the academies, which show, contain and nourish the world. (William Shakespeare)

- The first kiss is not given with the mouth but with the eyes. (Tristan Bernard)

- The eye is the point where body and soul mix. (Christian Friedrich Hebbel)

- I spent my life looking into people's eyes, it is the only place in the body where perhaps a soul still exists. (José Saramago)

- Everything in him was old except his eyes which had the same color as the sea and were cheerful and indomitable. (Ernest Hemingway)

- His eyes were of different colors, the left brown as autumn, the right gray as the Atlantic wind. Both seemed alive with questions that could not be expressed, as if the words with which to frame them did not yet exist ... (Tim Willocks)

- Your eyes are sources, in whose silent serene waters the sky is mirrored. (William Shakespeare)

- As long as the color of the skin is more important than the color of the eyes there will always be war. (Bob Marley)

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Tags: Beautiful phrases