Phrases on the Fox: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases on the fox, animal belonging to the species of canids, with medium size and long tapered muzzle, with straight pointed ears, characterized by short legs.

Quotes about the fox

- Have you laughed at the tale of the fox and the grapes? I don't, never. Because no wisdom appeared wiser than this, which teaches us to heal any desire by despising it. (Luigi Pirandello)

- Even if the donkey cuts his ears and puts a foxtail on it, he continues to bray. (Carlos Saweedra Weise)

- The fox of the foxes. A true fox calls immature not only the grapes it cannot reach, but also the one it has reached and taken away from others. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- The country gentleman who gallops chasing a fox ... the ineffable in pursuit of the inedible! (Oscar Wilde)

- A fox is a wolf who sends flowers. (Ruth Weston)

- If you want to play the lion's share in life, you must wear fox skin. (Oscar Wilde)

- With foxes we have to act like foxes. (Thomas Fuller)

- The blind trust with which we give credit to proverbs is strange, even when they are absolutely false or deceptive: the fox is no more cunning than the other prey animals, and is much more stupid than the wolf or the dog. (Konrad Lorenz)

Fox aphorisms

- At the hen's trial, the fox should not be part of the jury. (Thomas Fuller)

- It's a fox! Sometimes he disguises himself as a wolf in lamb's clothing. (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

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- Capitalism? Free fox in free chicken coop. (Che Guevara).

- Those who believe are led to doubt justice seeing that the deception of the fox has the upper hand over the honesty of the lion. (Kahlil Gibran)

- Don't despair of life. You undoubtedly have sufficient strength to overcome your obstacles. Think of the fox wandering through fields and woods on a winter's night to satisfy his hunger. Despite the cold and hunting dogs and traps, his breed survives. I don't think any of them ever committed suicide. (Henry David Thoreau)

- The fox guarding the chicken coop, the man of paradise, the environmental industry. (Markku Envall)

- The fox, when it sees any form of sgazza or jackdaws or similar birds, immediately throws itself on the ground so, with its mouth open, that it seems dead; and they occulted to peck her tongue, and she took his head. (Leonardo da Vinci)

- You don't put a fox to watch over chickens just because they have a lot of experience in chicken coops. (Truman Capote)

Phrases on the fox

- Said a fox chased by twenty hunters on horseback with a pack of twenty dogs: “Of course, they will kill me. But what poor fools they must be. Surely it would not be worth it that twenty foxes, riding on twenty donkeys, accompanied by twenty wolves, would hunt down a single man to kill him. " (Khalil Gibran)

- A hungry fox, as he saw hanging bunches of grapes from a pergola, tried to grab them but could not. Moving away then he said to himself; "Well, they are still immature." So even some men, failing to come to the head of their plans by impotence, accuse the circumstances. (Aesop)

- It's like the fox, which erases its tracks in the sand with its tail. (Niels Henrik Abel)

- I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of the government lies in knowing when to be one or the other. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

- A real fox calls immature not only the grapes it cannot reach, but also the one that has picked and taken away from others. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- Said a fox chased by twenty hunters on horseback with a pack of twenty dogs: “Of course, they will kill me. But what poor fools they must be. Surely it would not be worth it that twenty foxes, riding on twenty donkeys, accompanied by twenty wolves, would hunt down a single man to kill him. " (Khalil Gibran)

- If for the world the fox is nothing but a dishonest and unreliable creature, it makes no sense to try to be someone else. (Jason Bateman)

- When the lion's skin is not enough, it's time to sew on the fox's. (Lysander)

- Hunting is a crime. My sympathies go to the fox. (Wallis Simpson)

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