Phrases on worthlessness: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about uselessness, or about what is of no use to bring benefits to something or someone, thus becoming a substantially ineffective action in making any improvement possible.

Quotes about uselessness

- In this imperfect life we ​​also need a certain amount of useless things. If all the useless things disappear, it would also be the end of our imperfect existence. (Haruki Murakami)

- Many people do substantially useless jobs. When he retires, he discovers this truth. (Brendan Francis Behan)

- A missed life is a regret; a useless life is a remorse. (Henri Frédéric Amiel)

- You get tired of pity, when pity is useless. (Albert Camus)

- Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are also the most useless ones: peacocks and lilies, for example. (John Ruskin)

- When the remedies are no longer needed, if you can discern the worst, the afflictions that hope held in suspense also end. Crying over a past evil is no help but to bring new afflictions. (William Shakespeare)

- The more understandable the universe, the more useless it appears. (Steven Weinberg)

- We can forgive a man for doing something useful as long as you don't admire it. The only excuse for doing a useless thing is to admire it intensely. All art is completely useless. (Oscar Wilde)

- Nothing is more useful than those studies that have no use. (Ovid)

- There is nothing as useless and as inefficient as doing efficiently what should not be done at all. (Peter Ferdinand Drucker)

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- Outside of the sun, kisses and wild scents, everything seems futile to us. (Albert Camus)

- Imagination is not fertile except when it is useless. (Vladimir Nobokov)

- There is nothing as useless and as inefficient as doing efficiently what should not be done at all. (Peter Drucker)

- Writing incapable of stimulating activity is useless. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- All art is completely useless. (Oscar Wilde)

Aphorisms on worthlessness

- Nothing can be useless to a poet. (Samuel Johnson)

- The biggest misfortune that can happen to you is that you are of no use to anyone, and that your life is useless. (Raoul Follereau)

- Telling lies is a flaw, and lies are always useless because, sooner or later, you know the truth and you only earn the shame of having told them. (Jules Renard)

- Just because something doesn't do what you expect, doesn't mean it's useless. (Thomas A. Edison)

- In nature there is nothing useless; not even the uselessness itself. (Michel Eyquem De Montaigne)

- Man is a useless passion. (Jean Paul Sartre)

- When things have happened, it is useless to repent. (Aesop)

- In nature there is nothing useless; not even the uselessness itself. (Michel de Montaigne)

- All professionals are handicapped by not being allowed to ignore things that are unnecessary. (Goethe)

- Who can, with the rarest talents and the most excellent merit, not be convinced of their uselessness, aware as it is of leaving, dying, a world that is not affected by its loss, and in which there are many people to replace it? (Jean de La Bruyère)

- If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless way, you have learned how to live. (Yutang Lin)

- Men, not enough for them what is necessary, are anxious for what is useless. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

- The art of the police is to see only what is useless to see. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

- Everything that is useless is always respectable, for example religion, fashionable clothes, knowledge of Latin grammar. (Henry Louis Mencken)

- In this imperfect life we ​​also need a certain amount of useless things. If all the useless things disappear, it would also be the end of our imperfect existence. (Haruki Murakami)

Phrases about uselessness

- A useless life is an anticipated death. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

- Where hands are needed, words are perfectly useless. (Aesop)

- No man is useless if he relieves someone else's weight. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- Three things keep the soul quiet and peaceful: leaving behind what does not belong to us; do not delve into unnecessary things; and do not take the trouble beforehand of things to come, nor after the past. (Aristippus)

- Never say that dreams are useless because the life of someone who cannot dream is useless. (Jim Morrison)

- It is necessary to eliminate not only actions but also unnecessary thoughts, because in this way they will not keep unnecessary actions as an inevitable consequence. (Marco Aurelio)

- I've been described as a beacon in the middle of a puddle: bright but useless. (Connor Cruise O'Brien)

- If you want to turn a man into a nullity, all you have to do is consider his job useless. (Fëdor Dostoevskij)

- Why is art beautiful? Because it is useless. Why is life bad? Because it is all ends and purposes and intentions. (Fernando Pessoa)

- They also had a mayor there, among other useless characters. (Mark Twain)

- In this imperfect life we ​​also need a certain amount of useless things. If all the useless things disappear, it would also be the end of our imperfect existence. (Haruki Murakami)

- Duty of everything is to be happiness, if they are not such things are useless or harmful. (Jorge Luis Borges)

- No man is useless if he relieves someone else's weight. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- Nature does nothing useless. (Aristotle)

- The biggest misfortune that can happen to you is that you are of no use to anyone, and that your life is useless. (Raul Follereau)

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Tags: Meaningful phrases