Poached eggs in aurora sauce with baked toast


How to make poached eggs in aurora sauce, recipe with few necessary ingredients and easy preparation process, which involves placing poached eggs on toasted slices of toasted bread before covering them with aurora sauce. to serve.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 8 fresh eggs

- half a liter aurora sauce

- 8 pan carré slices

- 40 gr butter

- 1 boiled egg yolk crumbled

Preparation of poached eggs in aurora sauce

Prepare the poached eggs and place them on a flat cloth.

Remove the crust from the slices of bread and obtain, with the help of a pointed knife, four round croutons, to be browned in a pan with the butter before placing them in an ovenproof dish.

Place a poached egg on each crust, to be covered with the aurora sauce.

Once this is done, pass the baking dish in the oven for five minutes, then sprinkle the surface of the preparation with the crumbled hard-boiled egg yolk before serving.

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Tags: eggs