Comment – The author of Psalm 127 intends to warn that without the Lord it is not possible to achieve true security and well-being, there is no use in erecting houses and walls to defend cities if you are not oriented to God.
Complete Psalm 127
[1] Song of the Ascensions. Of Solomon. If the Lord does not build the house, the builders labor in vain. If the Lord does not guard the city, the keeper watches in vain.
[2] In vain you get up early in the morning, go to rest late and eat bread with sweat: the Lord will give it to his friends in his sleep.
[3] Behold, the Lord's gift are the children, the fruit of the womb is his grace.
[4] Like arrows in a hero's hand are the children of youth.
[5] Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver: he will not be confused when he comes to deal with his enemies at the door.