Psalm 147: complete, commentary


CommentIn Psalm 147 the author urges praise, stating that it is good to sing praises to the Lord, intending with this behavior to turn to him full of faith and feel included in his providence and justice. Praising means loving and returning to him, growing with his Word received with faith and understood thanks to the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 147 complete

[1] Alleluia. Praise the Lord: it is good to sing to our God, it is sweet to praise him as it suits him.

[2] The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem, gathers the scattered of Israel.

[3] Heal heartbroken hearts and bandage their wounds;

[4] he counts the number of stars and calls each by name.

[5] Great is the Lord, almighty, his wisdom has no boundaries.

[6] The Lord supports the humble but lowers the wicked to the ground.

[7] Sing a song of thanks to the Lord, sing hymns to our God on the lyre.

[8] He covers the sky with clouds, prepares rain for the earth, sprouts grass on the mountains.

[9] He provides food for the cattle, for the little crow that cries out to him.

[10] Does not take into account the strength of the horse, does not appreciate the agile running of man.

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[11] The Lord is pleased with those who fear him, with those who hope in his grace.

[12] Alleluia. Glorify the Lord, Jerusalem, praise your God, Zion.

[13] Because he has strengthened the bars of your doors, in the midst of you he has blessed your children.

[14] He has brought peace to your borders and satisfies you with wheat.

[15] He sends his word to earth, his message runs fast.

[16] He makes the snow come down like wool, like dust he scatters the frost.

[17] He throws hail like crumbs, in the face of his frost who can resist?

[18] He sends his word and loosens it, blows the wind and the waters flow.

[19] He announces his word, his laws and decrees to Israel to Jacob.

[20] So he has not done with any other people, he has not shown his precepts to others. Alleluia.

Psalm 147 (January 2025)

Tags: Biblical psalms