Psalm 150: complete, commentary


CommentPsalm 150 consists of 10 invitations to praise God, probably referring to the ten commandments, in the awareness that it is not possible to praise and thank God if his law of love is not made alive in our life. Whoever does not observe the laws of the Lord will never be able to truly love him.

Psalm 150 complete

[1] Alleluia. Praise the Lord in his sanctuary,

praise him in the firmament of his power.

[2] Praise him for his wonders,

praise him for his immense greatness.

[3] Praise him with trumpet blasts,

praise him with harp and zither;

[4] praise him with gables and dances,

praise him on the strings and flutes.

[5] Praise him with sound cymbals,

praise him with ringing cymbals;

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may every living thing praise the Lord. Alleluia.

A Short Explanation of Psalm 150 (April 2024)

Tags: Biblical psalms