Railways and train composition


A brief history of the railways and the composition of the train with a list of all the elements that make up the railway train, a classification of the trains is then provided according to the type of service performed and the engine that makes the locomotive move.

Definition of railway

The term railway indicates a land transport infrastructure, with the basic requirements necessary for the movement of trains.

Railway history

In history, the train was the first mobile vehicle designed for mass transportation, representing a real revolution from 1800 onwards both for the movement of people and for the movement of goods.

The train circulates on the rails of the railways and consists of various elements firmly joined together that contribute to the formation of the railway train.

Train composition

The elements that characterize the composition of a train are:

- Locomotive: it has the function of giving the thrust or the traction power needed to tow the train.

- Freight wagon: it is used to transport goods and depending on the type of these there are various types also designed specifically for a specific type of product.

- Passenger carriage: as we understand from the term, it is the element dedicated to the transport of passengers.

- Semi-pilot carriage: in this type of carriage there is a cockpit from which the staff can give the necessary commands to monitor the train's movement and to reverse the direction of travel also quickly.

- Restaurant carriage: it is present on long-distance trains and meals are cooked and served to customers during the journey.

- Bar carriage: it is mostly found on trains that have to cover long journeys and pre-packaged edible products are distributed in it.

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- Sleeping car: these consist of rooms reserved for a limited number of passengers with beds to sleep on during the journey.

Train classification

List of main train classifications, by type of service and by technology.

- Trains for local and metropolitan traffic

- Regional trains: designed for short-haul passenger transport, mainly used for commuter traffic in urban areas.

- Trains for national traffic

- Intercity train: to reduce travel times, connect two main stations by making a few stops between the two.

- Eurocity train: carries out an international passenger transport service in compliance with specific parameters established by the International Union of Railways of the member states.

- High-speed trains: they offer significantly lower than average travel times, offering themselves as an alternative to planes. Not available everywhere.

- Freight Trains: are used exclusively to transport goods.

Locomotive technology

- Electric train: it is an electric traction train.

- Diesel powered train: it is a railway train driven by diesel powered engines.

Improve Your Railway Photography - Composition (January 2025)

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