Simple pie: recipe with vegetables to taste


How to cook a simple pudding with vegetables, quick recipe in the preparation to bake with pnagrattato and parmesan.

Simple pie recipe

The simple pie can be made with any type of vegetable, or a mixture of vegetables.

Whichever type of vegetable is used, this must be cooked in salted water, not excessively squeezed and finely chopped.

Just add a handful of breadcrumbs, plenty of grated Parmesan, a little thyme, salt and pepper to the chopped vegetables.

Mix the mixture well and put it in a buttered pan and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Sprinkle the surface of the pie with breadcrumbs and a few flakes of butter.

Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Easy & Delicious Vegetarian Pie Recipe - Quick & Tasty (April 2024)

Tags: Side Dishes