Softened anchovy pie


How to make a softened anchovy pie, recipe for a simple and tasty dish typical of Campania and other coastal regions, prepared with anchovies, parsley, garlic, breadcrumbs and lemon juice.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 800 g of fresh anchovies

- plenty of chopped parsley with 2 cloves of garlic

- bread crumbs

- oregano -optional-

- about ten spoons of lemon juice

- olive oil

- salt and pepper

How to prepare a softened anchovy pie

Remove the anchovies from the head, open them from the belly, gently remove the entrails and bones, wash and dry them.

Grease a cake pan about 20 cm wide with oil, spread the breadcrumbs over a layer of open anchovies, then sprinkle them with a little chopped parsley and garlic, a pinch of oregano, if you like, breadcrumbs, salt and freshly ground pepper .

Proceed like this until the ingredients are used up, complete with the breadcrumbs.

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Sprinkle with lemon juice and put in the oven at 220 ° C for about half an hour.

Serve the anchovies not too hot.

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Tags: Fish main courses