Spanish proverbs: sayings and idioms


Selection of Spanish proverbs, sayings and idioms most used in Spain, already translated into Italian, as testimony to the wisdom of its people.

Spanish idioms

- It is better for those who say lies to have a good memory.

- Life without friends, death without witnesses.

- With money in hand, the mountain gets lower.

- The advice of a woman is not a great thing, but whoever does not follow him is crazy.

- Tell me not with whom you were born, but with whom you have peace.

- They lived happily and ate partridges.

- Abundance and arrogance go together.

- The shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current.

- Jealousy stings more than fleas.

- Whoever loses wealth, loses a lot; those who lose friends lose even more: but those who lose their spirit lose everything.

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  • Hebrew proverbs: sayings and idioms
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  • Proverbs about happiness: popular sayings
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- God takes the reason from the one who wants to chastise.

- There is no sauce better than hunger.

- Something is something; less is nothing.

- Weeping we are all born, not even one is born laughing.

- The heart has its reasons which reason does not know.

- Look at your mother-in-law and that's how your wife will look old.

- The water you don't have to drink, let it flow.

- Raise the crows and they'll take your eyes off.

Spanish sayings

- Shared misfortune, less felt.

- Rose smelled by many, it loses its fragrance it loses.

- Drunks and children always tell the truth.

- Young and old, we all need advice.

- Even if a monkey dresses in silk, monkey remains.

- Love is not beautiful if it is not a litigello.

- Good and convenient, they don't fit in a shoe.

- If it is worth doing it, it is worth doing it well.

- Whoever wakes up early is helped by God.

- Good perfumes are kept in small flasks.

- Easy is to criticize and difficult to operate.

- The woman who has no luck with men does not know how lucky she is.

- In war and in love, everything is lawful.

- A hungry man speaks better than a hundred lawyers.

- To love and be wise is impossible.

- Who buys must have a hundred eyes; to those who sell, one is enough.

- What is born halfway never becomes real.

- The truth, like oil, always comes up.

Spanish proverbs

- We all have a little bit of the musician, poet and madman.

- On the way to then you go to the house of the never.

- Poets are born, speakers become.

- The world is a handkerchief.

- Quick and well they don't always walk together.

- Things used to get worse before they get better.

- Love does not respect the law, nor does it obey the king.

- The tongue has no bone but can break the bump.

- Books and years make man wise.

- The best medicine is good food.

- Three very and three little ruin the man: much to spend and little to have, much to speak and little to know, very presuming and little worth.

- There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.

- The woman, the wind and the luck change quickly.

- God is the one who heals and the doctor is the one who takes away the money.

- To maintain friendship, one must be separated by a wall.

- Everything that goes up must go down.

- Everyone is the son of his works.

- Council not asked, bad advice.

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Tags: Proverbs