Tagliatelle with shrimp and peppers


How to cook tagliatelle with shrimp and peppers, recipe with lobster and paprika broth among the necessary ingredients, to be prepared in about 30 minutes.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 300 g of green tagliatelle

- 200 g of red peppers

- 200 ml lobster broth

- 200 g of cleaned prawns

- 1 onion

- 1 clove of garlic

- 1 tablespoon of butter

- 75 ml of white wine

- paprika powder

- 2 tablespoons of cooking cream

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  • Tagliatelle with shrimp and peppers

- 1 tablespoon of spicy oil

- half a bunch of oregano

- salt

- pepper

Time of realization

About 30 minutes


1) First of all divide the peppers in half, then clean them, wash them and chop them.

2) Clean onion and garlic before mincing them finely.

3) In a pan heat the butter and mix everything for about 4 minutes, waiting for the browning.

4) Pour the white wine and the lobster broth, then stew over medium heat for about three minutes.

5) Adjust salt, pepper and paprika, then make the flavor more delicate by adding the cooking cream.

6) Wash the prawns and dry them, then brown them in the spicy oil, after flavoring them with salt and pepper, turning them every now and then.

7) Transfer the prawns to the sauce, making them simmer for about three minutes.

8) Following the instructions on the package, cook the noodles in boiling salted water, calculating the expected cooking time starting from the resumption of the boil.

9) After washing the oregano and drying it, remove the leaves by cutting them into strips.

10) At this point drain the noodles by dripping them before pouring them into the dishes.

11) Sprinkle the noodles with the shrimp and pepper sauce, then distribute a light layer of oregano and serve on the table.

One Pan Shrimp and Tomato Pasta (September 2024)

Tags: First classics