Trentino proverbs: sayings and idioms


Selection of Trentino proverbs, sayings and idioms most used in Trentino, including translation into Italian, as testimony to the wisdom of its people.

Trentino idioms

- The holy water does very little that much. (Holy water is good for a little or a lot)

- Pan and spus nus magnar. (Bread and nuts eat by newlyweds)

- Fà pecà tant chi stuff that tegn us the ladder. (It is a sin both those who steal and those who hold the ladder)

- Baso de dòna varda that el te 'ncoiòna. (Kiss of woman watch that stupefies you)

- If you savér the truth goes from the smallest of the ca. (If you want to know the truth go to the smallest in the house)

- Love el makes jump, the fam even higher. (Love makes you jump, but hunger makes you taller)

- I help you fifty tips. (Better help than fifty tips)

- My medizina is to tell you that 'pasa. (The best medicine is to wait for it to pass)

- It is more expensive en no rabios than ‘n yes dispetos. (An angry no is better than a spiteful yes)

- Balar senza grumial l'is like magnar polenta without sal. (Dancing without an apron is like eating polenta without salt)

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- Met en piocio 'n the flour that' l will believe de èser deventà 'n molinàr. (Put a louse in the flour he'll think he's turned into a miller)

- Le spazzadòre növe spàzza sempro bèn. (The new street sweeper always sweeps the snow well)

- Parar via la néf and copar la zènt l'è mysteries made for gnènt. (Snow removal and killing are unnecessary things)

- Give my soto to linzòi, it seems and mare en do che te vòi. (My woman under the sheets, father and mother wherever you want)

- Gropi, seradure and dòne, you have to torli with bones. (With knots, locks and women one must be patient)

- El pra ’does' vaca and vaca does' l pra '. (The meadow makes the cow and the cow makes the lawn)

Said Trentino

- Bread, wine and zoca, and lasa che el dim. (Bread, wine and a nice log fire. And let it snow outside)

- Trust dela vòlp and hip of the tass, but no fidarte de le dòne dal cul bass. (You can trust the fox and the badger too, but not the women with the low butt)

- Done, ani and biceri if you never count. (Women, years and glasses never count)

- Whoever has braga pays, whoever has clothes enjoys the party. (Who has trousers pays, who has the robe enjoys the party)

- At the donations and at the stairs no if the gale never turns its backs. (It is preferable to never turn your back on women and stairs)

- El gal I'is the farmer's watch. (The rooster is the farmer's alarm clock)

- You are aware of it like the gatìzole: what ghe has it and who does not have it. (Conscience is like tickling: there are those who have it and those who do not have it)

- El temp, el cul e i siori i does what i want. (Time, butt and the rich do what they want)

- A ròbar ghe vol thief shoes. (Stealing takes thief shoes)

- Ca 'without om, car without timon. (House without man, wagon without rudder)

- Bisògn mòver el cùl se se vòl vedfat qualcòs. (You have to move your ass if you want to see something done)

- Vèdova inamorada, teas of little durada. (Widow in love, it has little duration)

- Co ciacere not if it pays no. (With the chatter nobody pays)

- With en po 'de bale and en po' de truth if teas en pè la cà. (With a little bale and a little truth, the house is still standing)

- The polenta cruva and gives it naked is the ruin of om. (Raw polenta and naked woman are the ruin of man)

- Val de pù en gran de pèver che en stronz de asem. (A grain of pepper is worth more than a donkey poop)

Trentino proverbs

- Vendro arivada, estimana guadada. (Friday arrived, week over)

- With gnènt no if it does gnènt. (Nothing is done with nothing)

- Val pu a worker who works who commands. (One who works is worth more than a hundred who command)

- Whoever does not know how to make botéga sèra. (Those who can't do their job close their shop)

- It gives it like ‘l temp: it changes it at every moment. (The woman is like the weather: it changes every moment)

- El fisco is like 'l bitch: if not' l bites again and bites tomorrow. (The taxman is like the dog: if he doesn't bite today, he bites tomorrow)

- El temp, el cul e i siori i does what i want. (Time, butt and the rich do what they want)

- Who praises you en facia scrifa drè ala schena. (Who praises you in the face, scratches your back)

- En casa strenzi, en viazo spendi, en malatia spandi. (At home you save, while traveling you spend, when sick you spend)

- The emprometer is the fradel of the mal atender. (Promising is brother of not keeping)

- If you would suffer from the pains of hell, Trento in summer, Feltre in winter. (If you want to suffer the pains of hell, Trento in summer, Feltre in winter)

- Those who do little go to jail, those who do so much care. (Those who steal little go to jail, those who steal a lot make a career)

- Every village is known, every bonigol is known. (Every country has its custom, every navel has its belly)

- Who has tortured her strongest. (Who is wrong screams louder)

- El temp dei ne’spoi el ven for all. (The time of medlars is for everyone)

- A'n bom soldà every weapon he makes. (To a good soldier every weapon is fine)

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