Savory strudel with cheese tomatoes
How to make salty strudel with tomatoes with sweet provolone cheese, a recipe that involves filling puff pastry with a filling including capers, anchovies and olives. Ingredients for 6 people- 1...
How to make salty strudel with tomatoes with sweet provolone cheese, a recipe that involves filling puff pastry with a filling including capers, anchovies and olives. Ingredients for 6 people- 1...
How to make lettuce flan by mixing the vegetables with eggs, bechamel and parmesan, to serve it accompanied with a sauce based on crescenza and taleggio. Ingredients for 4 people- 150 g of lettuce...
How to prepare savory pie with broccoli, a recipe with cooked ham among the ingredients, ideal for a single dish rich in healthy and nutritional properties. Ingredients for 4 people- 300 g of...
How to make fish soup, a Tuscan recipe that requires mixed fish and shellfish, various smells, extra-virgin olive oil, chili pepper and slices of homemade bread to distribute the hot soup over it. ...
How to make warm vegetable salad with raw ham and pecorino cheese, mixing together artichokes, thistles and broccoli, cooked and seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Ingredients...
Recipe for making polenta topped with sausage sauce prepared with tomato preserve, onion, garlic, parsley, celery, carrot, a little lard and a little lard. When serving the polenta it must be poured...
How to prepare tasty sausage and vegetable skewers, recipe with onion to decorate with strips of peppers and serve with pilau rice. Ingredients for 4 people- 10 sausages - 300 g of Basmati rice -...
Easy recipe to prepare a famous Neapolitan specialty, mozzarella in a carriage, using slices of pan carré, a little flour and an egg. Ingredients for 4 people- 1 medium mozzarella - 8 slices of pan...
How to make rice with scampi, recipe for a dish also known as Greek prawns, to cook it, in addition to rice and scampi, you also need aromatic herbs, spring onions and tomato sauce with extra virgin...
How to prepare the caesar salad, a salad with boiled white beans, smoked bacon and a few spinach leaves, quick and easy preparation following the procedure indicated. Ingredients for 4 people- 100...