Veal belly cooked at low temperature


How to make the veal belly cooked at low temperature in a pot, a recipe that includes a filling including roast beef, mortadella and sausage, to be prepared in about thirty minutes with a cooking time of about two hours.

Ingredients for 8 people

- 1 kg veal bacon

- 300 g cold roast beef

- 100 g mortadella

- 100 g of cooked sausage

- 2 eggs

- 50 g grated Parmesan

- 60 g of amaretti di saronno

- 5 shelled and peeled walnuts

- 1 clove of garlic

- 3 sage leaves

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- 1 sprig of parsley

- a pinch of nutmeg

- salt and pepper

Preparation of veal belly cooked at low temperature

First, have the bacon prepared by the butcher, which must be opened to form a large rectangle, then, once you get home, wash and dry it carefully.

Mix the roast, the mortadella and the sausage with the mincer, then beat the macaroons with the meat pounder and pass the walnuts, the sage, the parsley and the garlic to the mincer.

Put all the ingredients in a bowl, add the eggs, the Parmesan, salt and pepper, as well as a pinch of nutmeg, mixing everything well using a wooden spoon.

Spread the bacon on the cutting board, beat it with the moistened meat mallet to thin it and arrange the filling, leaving a border of about two centimeters free around it, so that in the act of rolling it it does not come out.

Roll up the bacon and sew it around with colorless thread, then wrap it with a napkin and tie it with a fine kitchen string.

Put a large pot of freshly salted water on the fire, boil and dip the bacon, letting it simmer for about two hours, waiting for it to be well cooked.

Leave it to cool in the same cooking liquid, then drain it, freeing it from the string and the napkin, before serving it, cut into slices about one centimeter thick.

Chuck of veal cooked at low temperature (September 2024)

Tags: Main courses of meat