Viennese chicken Aspic with cooked ham


A recipe suitable for the summer period, the chicken aspic with cooked ham, eggs, jelly and mayonnaise, to be garnished also with Russian salad and diced wuster

Ingredients for 6 people

- 400 g of boiled chicken

- 4 eggs

- 200 g of cooked ham

- 2 cans of jelly

- 1 cup of mayonnaise

- salt

How to prepare the Viennese chicken aspic

Boil the eggs by boiling them for ten minutes, then pass them under cold water, peel them and cut them into slices.

Fillet the boiled chicken and put it in a bowl, together with the cooked ham cut into strips, the mayonnaise and a part of the slices of hard-boiled eggs, leaving aside some slices for the garnish of the dish.

Prepare the jelly as indicated on the package and when it is melted, let it cool and pour a layer into the bottom of the mold, then pass it in the refrigerator to firm up.

Lay the slightly overlapped boiled egg slices on this layer, leaving a small space all around which will be filled with the gelatin poured at the end of the preparation.

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Pour a little more gelatin so that the egg remains firm and pass again in the refrigerator.

When this layer is also curdled, pour part of the chicken, ham and mayonnaise mixture into the mold, and other gelatin on top of it, then put the mold in the refrigerator.

Repeat the layers ending with the gelatin which must fill all the empty spaces, including along the walls of the mold.

It is good to deform the aspic some time before serving it.

Beef Aspic. How to Cook Beef Jelly. Boiled Ham Recipe. (April 2024)

Tags: appetizers