What does empathy mean: seizing a mood


Definition of the term empathy, what it means when you use this word appropriately, advantages for those who have this ability to increase their ability to understand.

Meaning of empathy

When we talk about empathy we refer to the ability of an individual to immediately understand the mood of another person, having immediately clear the emotional situation without having to communicate verbally.

Deriving from the Greek, the word empathy was used in reference by an emotional bond that united the author of the poem to his audience, with a felt participation both in the feeling of joy or pain.

Having the gift of empathy is, for example, very appreciable in a attending physician, which makes him able to fully understand the patient's feelings and sufferings.

Empathy means feeling deeply, it is a capacity that creates a strong interpersonal bond and, although assimilated as a definition to the common saying "putting yourself in the other's shoes", it also involves a commitment to try to bring the person being observed closer to your world. a kind of supportive closeness.

We go far beyond understanding, since from the external attitude of knowing how to look inside by understanding, we move on to something deeper and more spiritual, trying to identify ourselves to understand even better what he is really feeling at that moment or period of his life.

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