What are volts, amps, ohms and watts? Differences


Clarification on what volts are, differences with amps, ohms and watts, what is measured and differences between these different units of measurement in the electric field.

What is measured with volts, amps, ohms and watts

They express electrical measurement units, the number of volts, also called voltage, measures the strength of electricity, is indicated, for example, on car batteries and batteries.

The number of amps indicates the quantity of electric current passing through a conductor wire.

The amount of current that passes depends on the resistance of the wire, which is expressed in ohms, if a lot of current passes it means that the resistance is low.

The number of watts measures the amount of energy produced when electricity is used.

A common example is represented by light bulbs, which express in watts the quantity of light energy they are able to produce.

Volts, Amps, and Watts Explained (April 2024)

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