What is chlorophyll photosynthesis: process and reaction


What is chlorophyll photosynthesis used for, how does it take place, process analysis and chemical reaction that allows the plant to survive.

How photosynthesis occurs

Photosynthesis is a process that allows the plant to survive, producing all the substances necessary for its nourishment.

This natural event is the result of a series of chemical reactions which consist in the synthesis of carbon dioxide and water in glucose, a fundamental sugar for the nourishment of the plant.

During this process oxygen is released through the stomata, particular cells placed in the lower part of the leaf.

During the day the carbon dioxide produced is reabsorbed by photosynthesis for the production of glucose, while at night, since photosynthesis cannot take place due to the lack of sunlight, carbon dioxide is released into the environment, for this reason it is necessary to avoid sleep in rooms with plants and spend a long night under trees.

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Photosynthesis: Crash Course Biology #8 (May 2024)

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