December 15: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day 15 December is Santa Virginia Centurione Bracelli, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

Santa Virginia Centurione Bracelli

Born on April 2, 1587 in Genoa, Virginia Centurione Bracelli was the daughter of Giorgio, doge of the Republic in the two-year period 1621-1622, and of Lelia Spinola, both of noble origin.

Virginia, baptized two days later, received initial religious and literary training from her mother and an educator specially hired at home.

Although the vocation for a life consecrated to God was already evident from her childhood, Virginia had to marry Gaspare Grimaldi Bracelli, at the behest of her father, who belonged to a noble house but unfortunately was dedicated to a life without good rules and the game of 'gamble.

From this marriage the daughters Lelia and Isabella were born.

But the marital union between the two ended early, due to the nefarious constancy with which Gaspare Bracelli sent forth his vices which reduced him to the end of his life.

Virginia, very patiently and with prayer, made every effort in an attempt to convince her husband to maintain her behavior at a level appropriate to that typical of a good family, but he did not want to know and died as a Christian on June 13, 1607. at Alexandria, assisted by his wife until his last breath.

Left a widow in her early twenties, Virginia made a vow of perpetual chastity, refusing to marry again on the proposal of her father and living withdrawn at her mother-in-law's house, taking care of the education of her daughters and dedicating herself to prayer and charity towards her neighbor.

In 1610 she felt more clearly the particular vocation that called her to serve God in her poor.

Despite being permanently controlled by the strict father and never failing in her commitments as a mother, she began to devote herself to the needy and abandoned children, as well as to the elderly, the sick and the marginalized.

The war of 1624-1625 between the Ligurian Republic and the Duke of Savoy, supported by the latter from France, caused new unemployment and hunger.

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  • December 9: saint of the day, name day
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For this reason Virginia welcomed many poor people into the house, especially women, trying to provide for their needs in everything.

With the death of her mother-in-law in August 1625, Virginia began to welcome young women who came spontaneously and to go in person to look for all those who might need help.

To cope with the rampant misery, he founded the "Hundred Ladies of Mercy" with the aim of being protectors of the poor of Jesus Christ.

Intensifying the reception activity of the young women, especially during the plague and famine of 1629-1630, Virginia was forced to rent the abandoned convent of Montecalvario, where she moved on April 14, 1631 with her assistants, placing the structure under the protection of Our Lady of the Refuge.

As activities and efforts grew, Virginia saw the number of collaborators decrease around her, particularly bourgeois and aristocratic women who feared to compromise their reputation in dealing with corrupt people.

Gratified by the Lord with ecstasies, visions, inner locutions and other special mystical gifts, Virginia died on December 15, 1651, when she was 64 years old.

The miracle that led to the beatification of the Saint involved a nun from Genoa, while the decisive one for her sanctification was the healing of a Brazilian mother, who was the sister of a nun of the Congregation of Rome.

Virginia Centurione Bracelli was proclaimed Blessed on 22 September 1985 in Genoa and canonized in Rome on 18 May 2003.

Both events took place during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.

Other saints and celebrations on December 15th

  • Christian Saint of Georgia
  • Blessed Charles Steeb
  • Priest

  • Santa Maria Crocifissa (Paola) by Rosa
  • Virgin

  • Blessed Maria Vittoria de Fornari Strata
  • Widow and religious

  • Blessed Marino
  • Abbot of Cava dei Tirreni

    അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) December 15th - St. Maximinus, St. Maria Crosifissa di Rosa (April 2024)

Tags: December