February 9: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day 9 February is the virgin and martyr Saint Apollonia, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

Santa Apollonia

A young Christian from Alexandria, Egypt, Apollonia had made every effort to help Christians during the persecutions of Christians carried out by Emperor Philip the Arab.

When she was captured by the military, her jaws were split and she was threatened to be burned at the stake if she did not pronounce blasphemies against God.

But Apollonia, making a great gesture of love, spontaneously launched herself at the stake so as not to be forced to do what she didn't want.

Popular legend says that her teeth were torn one by one, for this reason she is invoked against toothache and considered the protector of dentists.

A popular tradition holds that when a child loses a tooth of milk, Santa Apollonia takes it away during the night leaving money in his place.

Other saints and celebrations of 9 February

  • Sant'Altone
  • Abbot

  • Sant'Ansberto
  • Abbot of Fontenelle

  • San Marone
  • Hermit

  • Holy Martyrs of Alexandria in Egypt
  • Saints Primo and Donato
  • Martyrs

  • San Rinaldo di Nocera Umbra
  • Bishop

    Recommended readings
    • February 16: saint of the day, name day
    • February 17: saint of the day, name day
    • February 21: saint of the day, name day
    • February 2: saint of the day, name day
    • February 10: saint of the day, name day
  • San Sabino di Canosa
  • Bishop

    അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) January 9th - St. Peter of Sebaste (April 2024)

Tags: February