Home pastimes: leisure activities and hobbies


The most popular hobby activities and home-made pastimes to be practiced in your free time. The pastime, which corresponds to the English term hobby commonly used alternatively in the Italian language, is an activity carried out in the free time of a specific individual that is exercised for pure cultural interest or simply for fun.

What home pastimes

Funny jokes: funny jokes to read, including those of Pierino.

Movies at the cinema: cinema in general and films of the moment with plots and reviews to read in your spare time as a pastime.

Online games: to enjoy online games without spending a euro, various tools to play maybe even having a little fun.

Biorhythm calculation: tools for calculating the biorhythm in real time with various options to calculate the personal or couple one.

Excellent as a hobby and hobby in your spare time.

Free horoscope: horoscope of the day to satisfy one's curiosity to want to know what the stars say for their zodiac sign as well as a hobby to practice in your spare time as a hobby.

Furnishing ideas: tastefully furnish your home with furniture and furnishings.

Chat without registration: chat with old and new friends in the ideal place where you can do it even without registration.

Online shopping: shop online comfortably from your PC with subdivision by product categories

Vacation packages: useful resources to book a trip or a holiday anywhere.

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News last hour: guide to the latest online news from newspapers to magazines, TV programs and weather forecasts.

Internet resources: the best of free resources available on the net.

Easy cooking recipes: large collection of Italian culinary recipes that are quick to prepare and easy to make in your spare time.

Customs and traditions: social customs, places and traditions of peoples in the world as people's habits and customs.

Social relations: all types of relationships between people are favored on the internet, find a list here.

History of digital photography: starting from the history of photography, an online photography course and guide to buy cameras, photo retouching and digital photo printing in your free time.
Assembled computers: notions for assembling a computer in your spare time.

Phrases made: collection of ready made sentences to say or to write.

Fishkeeping: Aquarism, which represents the passion for home aquariums, is a very popular hobby especially in the United States of America and in the Nordic countries in Europe.

Collectibles: pastime that consists in collecting, according to a certain organizational criterion, the objects belonging to a certain category.

DIY: consists of small jobs done on their own, for this reason it is commonly called also do it yourself.

It is mainly carried out to improve, create or repair objects present in the home for your own satisfaction or even to obtain savings on the workforce of third parties.

Gardening: as already deduced from the term, it concerns the care and cultivation of plants in your garden.

Philately: means the activity concerning the stamp collection.

Modeling: to all intents and purposes a craft activity that aims to create models of other objects, often reduced to scale, such as airplanes, cars, buildings and many others.

Sport: it is mainly practiced to keep one's body in good physical shape in various aspects depending on the specialty practiced.

Crossword puzzle: puzzle game very popular worldwide. It consists of a grid, normally rectangular but sometimes also square, made of many white boxes interspersed with some black boxes.

The white boxes should be filled in horizontally or vertically as appropriate with the answers to the required definitions.

The black boxes have the function of delimiting the space represented by the number of white boxes each of which must contain only one letter of the alphabet.

The words to be inserted horizontally will cross those to be inserted vertically in order to create a pattern of matches useful for arriving at the final solution consisting in the total filling of all the white boxes following the definitions required by the author of the crossword puzzle.
Embroidery: aims to handcraft a design on a fabric using needle and thread.

Sweater: knitting has very ancient origins and is carried out using irons which are pointed metal tools on one side and with one head on the other created specifically for this purpose.

Talking about Hobbies and Free Time Activities (April 2024)

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