How to clean the house quickly from a to z


Guide on how to clean the house quickly, organizing the various types of cleaning necessary to make your home clean and sanitized.

Tips on how to clean the house

With the growing increase in activities outside the home, the time available to take care of household cleaning appears to be increasingly reduced, despite the sensation of the pleasant smell of cleanliness is essential for most people, together with the more or less conscious desire to want to see shine the windows, glitter the floors and benefit from the total absence of dust around.

It is therefore essential, for these reasons, to find a solution that can be reconciled with everything else, which allows you to organize and plan each cleaning to obtain the best result in less time and with minimal physical effort.

First of all, the work to be carried out in different time spans, respectively every day, once a week or with extended deadlines will have to be established.

As for the daily chores, making the beds, sweeping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, especially the toilet, and the kitchen, especially the hob, are essential for maintaining a high degree of liveability in the home.

Tasks such as washing clothes, ironing and thoroughly cleaning each room can be carried out only once a week, adding to the daily cleaning other activities such as cleaning the windows and waxing the floors.

Longer intervals involve occasional jobs such as furniture polishing, curtain washing, mite disinfection for sofas and rugs.

Every six months, precisely at the beginning of the spring and autumn seasons, you will have to carry out major cleaning, emptying and cleaning all the wardrobes inside, polishing bathroom and kitchen tiles, cleaning the various upholstery and checking that no it is advisable to refresh the painting of the walls in some rooms, work usually necessary more frequently for the bathroom and the kitchen because of the annoying condensation effect that involves the formation of mold on the walls.

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