July 14: saint of the day, name day


The saint of the day 14 July is San Camillo de Lellis priest, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

San Camillo de Lellis

San Camillo De Lellis, born in Bucchianico on 25 May 1550 and died in Rome on 14 July 1614, was an Italian priest and founder of the congregation of the Ministers of the Sick.

Pope Benedict XIV made him a saint in 1746, claiming that he had been the initiator of a new school of charity.

By Leo XIV he was instead proclaimed patron of hospitals and the sick, while Pius XI declared him patron of nurses and Paul VI in turn appointed him patron of Italian military health.

Camillo's spirituality was based on mercy towards the suffering and the most needy, for this reason his only purpose was to serve the crucified Christ in them, recognizing them as his lords and masters and inviting his followers to do the same, identifying in them the person of the Lord himself.

Camillo considered the image of the mother as the human figure worthy of the greatest dedication, for this reason he proposed to serve the sick in the same way that a loving mother would serve her children.

Other saints and celebrations on July 14th

  • Beata Angelina da Montegiove, also known as Marsciano, Corbara or Foligno
  • San Francesco Solano
  • Blessed Gaspare de Bono
  • Religious

  • St. John Wang Guixin
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Hroznata
  • Premonstratensian martyr

  • San Marchelmo
  • Priest and monk

  • Blessed Michele Ghebre
  • Priest and martyr

    Recommended readings
    • July 11: saint of the day, name day
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  • Sant ’Ottaziano di Brescia
  • Bishop

  • Blessed Riccardo Langhorne
  • Lawyer, martyr

  • Santa Toscana
  • Widow

  • San Vincenzo Madelgario
  • Groom, monk

    Saint of the Day — Matilda — March 14th (April 2024)

Tags: July