June 25: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day June 25 is San Guglielmo di Montevergine, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

San Guglielmo di Montevergine

Born in Vercelli in 1085 to a noble family, Guglielmo di Montevergine, after becoming a monk, made the decision to go and carry out his work in Palestine.

During the trip, he stopped in Irpinia where he gave birth to the Benedictine Congregation of Montevergine.

Feeling a great need for solitude within himself, he left the monastery, after having appointed a successor with the task of continuing to manage the Congregation in his place.

He went to found other monasteries, including that of San Salvatore where to welcome monks and nuns, divided into two distinct sections, intended respectively for men and women religious.

Guglielmo was an indefatigable man, to the point that his work took him even further away, arriving in Rocca San Felice, Foggia and Troy.

In reality, the model of ascetic life that he proposed, linked practically to the Benedictine Rule, was part of the spiritual movement engaged in the search for a Rule characterized by greater purity, giving more space to prayer and deeper contemplation.

On June 24, 1142 he died in Goleto in Irpinia.

Other saints and celebrations on June 25th

  • St. Adalbert of Egmond
  • Deacon and abbot

  • Saints Domenico Henares and Francesco Do Minh Chieu
  • Bishop and lay person, martyrs

  • Blessed Dorothea of ​​Montau
  • Widow

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    • June 17: saint of the day, name day
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    • June 26: saint of the day, name day
  • Saint Eurosia of Jaca
  • Martyr

  • Blessed John of Spain
  • Monk

  • San Massimo of Turin
  • Bishop

  • San Moloc (or Luano)
  • Revered in Scotland

  • San Prospero d'Aquitaine
  • Monk and theologian

  • San Prospero of Reggio Emilia
  • Bishop

  • San Solomon
  • King of Brittany

    Days of the Week: Sunday to Saturday with Calendar Crayons (March 2024)

Tags: June