Phrases about life: change, problems, colors


Collection of sentences about life, the most precious gift we have had, even if we often do not realize that we have only one and for this reason we must try to live it in the best possible way, often also facing a change that can allow us to appreciate all the colors through problems and values ​​that can make us fully enjoy the pleasure of living.

Phrases about the colors of life

- All the colors that you have in your mind, I will show them to you and you will see them shine. (Bob Dylan)

- When photographing people in color, photographing their clothes. But when photographing people in black and white, they photograph their souls! (Ted Grant)

- For me, music is the color. Not the painting. My music allows me to paint, myself. (David Bowie)

- The world is in color, but reality is in black and white. (Wim Wenders)

- If I take the green it doesn't mean that I intend to paint the grass, and if I take the blue it doesn't mean that I will paint the sky. The color expresses the mood of the artist. (Vasily Grossman)

- Every color we see comes from the influence of its neighbor. (Claude Monet)

- You are the only draftsman of your life, you are the crayon that colors your way, the water that refreshes your day, you are the musician of your soundtrack, the writer of your story, the painter of the painting in which you live ... you are everything around you, life is yours, the rest is just a frame. (Osho)

- As long as the color of the skin is more important than the color of the eyes there will always be war. (Bob Marley)

- Color is a means of exerting direct influence on the soul. The color is a button, the eye the hammer that hits it, the soul the instrument with a thousand strings. (Vasilij Kandisky)

- The color above all, perhaps even more than the drawing, is a liberation. (Henri Matisse)

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- Colors, like features, follow changes in emotions. (Pablo Picasso)

- Each color is the expression of a virtue: red is life, love; orange, health, holiness; yellow, wisdom; green, evolution, eternity; blue, truth, peace; the indigo, the strength; purple, spiritual love and divine omnipotence. Work with the virtues of the seven colors and you will feel rich in all their blessings. (Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov)

- It is a joy without flaws to discover a pure soul. They are souls that resemble the first children's books: they contain few words and are full of colors. (Christian Bobin)

- Life is a great field to cultivate. Traveling is to sow the diversity of the Earth. Traveling is embellishing it with the colors of the world. (Lesven)

- Revolution is the harmony of form and color and everything exists, and moves, under one law: life. (Frida Kahlo)

- Passion dyes everything it touches with its colors. (Baltasar Gracian)

- Color is a power that directly affects the soul. (Wassily Kandinsky)

- Steal all the colors of the world and paint the canvas of your life by eliminating the gray of fears and anxieties. Leave your old mental clothes and cheer clothes. (Omar Falworth)

- The purest and most thoughtful minds are those who love colors. (John Ruskin)

- The most intense colors dye their emotions. (Stephen Littleword)

- Leave me, oh let me immerse the soul in the colors; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow. (Khalil Gibran)

- The scents, colors and sounds are answered. (Charles Baudelaire)

- Yellow is a light that has been toned down by darkness; blue is a darkness weakened by light. (Goethe)

- Nature has thousands of colors, and we have made up our mind to reduce the scale to only twenty. (Hermann Hesse)

Phrases about the change of life

- For all the important changes we have to take a leap in the dark. (William James)

- We don't need magic to change the world: we already have all the power we need within us, we have the power to imagine the best things than they are. (J.K.Rowling)

- Power is the ability to achieve goals. Power is the ability to make changes. (Martin Luther King)

- I know people, change in one day. He gives his hatred and love with the same generosity. (Voltaire)

- All changes, even the most anticipated, have their melancholy, because what they leave behind us is part of ourselves, we must die in one life before we can enter another. (Anatole France)

- Usually men when they are sad do nothing: they just cry about their situation. But when they get angry, then they get busy changing things. (Malcom X)

- By changing the internal attitude of their minds, humans can change the external aspects of their life. (William James)

- We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but we rarely admit the changes it has had to undergo to achieve that beauty. (Maya Angelou)

- Your life changes the moment you make a new, fair and committed decision. (Anthony Robbins)

- It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to changes. (Charles Robert Darwin)

- Don't wait for the leaders to arrive. Do it yourself, person by person. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

- Every day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is what you become. (Heraclitus)

- Every change, even the most coveted one, has its melancholies, because what you leave behind is a part of us: you have to die in one life to enter another. (Anatole France)

- You may not be responsible for the situation you are in, but you will become responsible if you do nothing to change it. (Martin Luther King)

- The real change, the real revolution happens by abandoning the known for the unknown ... where there is no authority and where you could face complete failure; replacing the known something else we know is not a change. (Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti)

- Only the wisest or most stupid of men never change. (Confucius)

- Never overestimate your power to change others. In the practice of tolerance, your enemy is the best teacher. (Dalai Lama)

- Changing doesn't always mean improving, but to improve you have to change. (Sir Winston Churchill)

- We generally change ourselves for two reasons: inspiration or despair. (Jim Rohn)

- The most difficult task in life is to change yourself. (Nelson Mandela)

- Every moment is an opportunity to make a change! (Eminem)

- Be the change you would like to see happen in the world. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- Taking responsibility for one's unhappiness is the beginning of change. (Osho)

- If you really love something, you will see that you will not try to keep it forever as it is. You must leave it free to change. (Cassandra Clare)

- There is nothing more certain and unchanging than uncertainty and change. (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

Phrases about life's problems

- We feel that even once all possible scientific questions have been answered, our vital problems are not yet touched. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

- There is nothing that is a problem without a gift for you in the hands. You are looking for problems because you need their gifts. (Richard Bach)

- Those who attribute their failures and difficulties to the crisis, violate their own talent and give more value to problems than to solutions. The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence. The inconvenience of people and nations is laziness in seeking solutions and ways out. Without crisis there are no challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow agony. Without crisis there is no merit. It is in the crisis that the best of each emerges, because without the crisis all the winds are only light breezes. Talking about crisis means increasing it, and keeping silent in the crisis is enhancing conformism. Instead, we work hard. Let's end it once and for all with the only dangerous crisis, which is the tragedy of not wanting to fight to overcome it. (Albert Einstein)

- If the pilot flies long enough and far enough away, the day comes when the difference between believing and not believing coincides with the difference between solving and not solving a problem. (Richard Bach)

- Ecological problems are the political frontier of the future. (Isabel Allende)

- There are children who play on the streets, who could very well solve some of the problems of nuclear physics that I ask myself, precisely because they have forms of perception that I have long since lost. (Robert Oppenheimer)

- I think many problems arise from saying that we are free to choose, that choice means freedom. On the contrary, I would say that choice means a confused mind, and therefore not free. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

- Speech is an overrated means of solving problems. (Brian Flanagan)

- In reality it would be easy to produce rigorous ethics, or at least it would not be more difficult than to tackle other basic scientific problems. Only the result would be unpleasant, but it is something that you do not want to see and that you try to avoid, even to some extent consciously. (Kurt Godel)

- Self-acceptance comes from facing life's challenges vigorously. The challenges and difficulties must not make you insensitive, nor have you build mental walls to exclude pain from your life.You will find serenity not by trying to escape your problems, but by courageously facing them. You will find peace not in rejection, but in victory. (Kriyananda)

- A civilization that proves incapable of solving problems that creates its functioning is a decadent civilization. A civilization that chooses to close its eyes to its most crucial problems is a prejudiced civilization. A civilization that deceives with its principles is a moribund civilization. (Aimè Cèsaire)

- Being a leader also means finding creative solutions to problems, that is, taking responsibility for your creativity. (Kriyananda)

- For the solution of problems, sciences basically use the same method, that used by common sense: the method of attempt and error. Put more precisely: it is the method consisting of proposing attempts to solve our problem, and in eliminating false solutions as erroneous. This method assumes that we work with a large number of solution attempts. One solution after another is tested and eliminated.
(Karl Popper)

- If you can speak brilliantly about a problem, you can create the consoling conclusion that you have it under control. (Stanley Kubrick)

- As long as a social condemnation exists that, in full civilization, artificially creates hells and complicates the fate that is divine with human fatality; until the three problems of the century are resolved: the degradation of man because of extreme poverty, the corruption of women because of hunger, the atrophy of the child because of darkness; as long as social asphyxia is possible in certain environments; in other words, and from an even broader point of view, as long as there is ignorance and misery on earth, books like this cannot fail to be useless. (Victor Hugo)

- If you don't want an unhappy man for political reasons, never present him with the two aspects of a problem, or you will torment him; give him only one; better yet, don't propose any. (Ray Bradbury)

- Man eternally troubled by humanity's problems, either has no problems of his own or has refused to face them. (Henry Miller)

- There is no solution because there is no problem. (Marcel Duchamp)

- It is clear that other problems such as religious fundamentalism, overpopulation, damage to the environment and the dominance of business over governments, science, thought and society are much bigger than non-free software. But a lot of other people are already working on it, and I don't have any great skills or ideas to target them. So it seems better that I continue to work on the free software problem. In any case, free software contrasts one of the aspects of the domination of the economy over society. (Richard Stallman)

- When it comes to truth and justice, there is no distinction between big problems and small ones, because the general principles that concern man's action are indivisible. (Albert Einstein)

- Problems cannot be solved at the same level of knowledge that created them. (Albert Einstein)

- A body free of nervous tension and tiredness is the ideal refuge that nature offers as accommodation for a well balanced mind, fully capable of successfully solving all the complex problems of modern life. (Joseph Pilates)

- The only way to really know the problems is to approach those who experience those problems and draw conclusions from them, from that exchange. (Ernesto Che Guevara)

- The philosophical act par excellence is to discover a problem in every solution. (Nicolas Gomes Davila)

- My problems started with early education. I went to a school for disadvantaged teachers. (Woody Allen)

- The philosopher lives on problems such as the food man. An insoluble problem is indigestible food. (Novalis)

- Traveling is nothing but a nuisance: there are always more than enough problems where you are. (Charles Bukowski)

- Life looks for problems and the supply of problems is significant for success; a lack of problems can cause stagnation. (Konrad Lorenz)

- Humanity only proposes those problems that it can solve, because, considering things closely, it is always found that the problem arises only when the material conditions of its solution already exist or at least are in formation. (Karl Marx)

- It is incredible how many problems can arise when you have nothing to do. (Quincy Jones)

- Paradise resides in the memories of our childhood. In those days we were protected by our parents and we were innocently unconscious of the many problems that surrounded us. (Hayao Miyazaki)

- There were few places to study statistics and none had a doctorate. I then enrolled in math at Columbia University, but soon realized that mathematicians did not consider statistics to be serious. My professor convinced me to switch to a doctorate in economics.His statistics courses were wonderful and I began to feel that there were many problems in economics for which mathematics and statistics would be useful. (Kenneth Arrow)

- There are no problems; there are only solutions. The spirit of man creates the problem later. He sees problems everywhere. (Andrè Gide)

- Technology does not keep man away from the great problems of nature, but forces him to study them in greater depth. (Antoine De Saint Exupéry)

- I don't want to be a genius: I already have enough problems trying to be just a man. (Albert Camus)

- No problems can be solved. When a situation becomes a problem it has no solution. The problems are by definition without solution. No problem can be solved, and all solutions lead to other problems. (William Burroughs)

- Everyday problems are many and varied. It is never easy. (Erno Rubik)

Phrases on the value of life

- Without commonly shared and widely rooted moral values ​​and obligations, neither the law nor democratic government, not even the market economy will function properly. (Vàclav Havel)

- I have known people who rejoiced in small conquests, I have known others who despised immense fortunes ... this made me understand from a young age that everything in the world is relative. (Jurklin)

- If we want to move forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values ​​- that all reality is based on moral bases and that all reality has spiritual control. (Martin Luther King)

- All values ​​must be won through competition, and after they have been won, they must be defended. (Jim Rohn)

- Those who cherish the values ​​of culture cannot fail to be pacifist. (Albert Einstein)

- Success is just another form of failure if we forget our priorities. (Harry Lloyd)

- Money is the most important thing in the world. They represent health, strength, honor, generosity, and beauty as conspicuously the lack of them represents disease, weakness, shame, meanness and ugliness. (George Bernard Shaw)

- The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and keep them in the right scale of values. (Norman Thomas)

- Things only have the value we give them. (Molière)

- The world has changed so much that the same values ​​no longer lead to the same choices. (Jonathan Safran Foer)

- A civilized man is one who gives a serious answer to a serious question. Civilization itself is a certain healthy balance of values. (Ezra Pound)

- We know our values ​​first of all by feeling what appears right or wrong and, therefore, by articulating these sensations. (Daniel Goleman)

- What you leave in your children is more important than what you leave to them. (Denis Waitley)

- Learning and teaching things that you cannot fully accept within yourself is always a difficult task. (Albert Einstein)

- If we continue to treat our most important values ​​as useless relics, this is exactly what they will become. (Michael Josephson)

- The real revolution is that of the spirit, born from the intellectual conviction of the need to change the mental attitudes and values ​​that shape the course of a nation's development. (Aung San Suu Kyi)

- You cannot, for the love of a person, change the substance of principles and moral integrity, as you cannot try to convince yourself, or to convince me, that selfishness is prudence, and unconsciousness of danger a guarantee of happiness . (Janes Austen)

- Intellectuals are people who believe that ideas are more important than values. That is to say, their own ideas and the values ​​of others. (Gerald Brenan)

- Each is worth as much as the things it matters. (Marco Aurelio)

- A person's worth depends on the number of things he is ashamed of. (George Bernard Shaw)

Phrases on the gift of life

- The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. (Pablo Picasso)

- Life is a great adventure towards the light. (Paul Claudel)

- You only live once. But if you do it right, once is enough. (Mae West)

- Life is not finding yourself. Life is creating yourself. (George Bernard Shaw)

- If you don't like something in your life, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Do not complain. (Maya Angelou)

- There are two ways of living life. One is to think that nothing is a miracle. The other is to think that everything is a miracle. (Albert Einstein)

- We would need three lives: one to make mistakes, one to correct mistakes, one to savor everything. (Alberto Jess)

- You have two lives. The second begins on the day you realize that you only have one. (Confucius)

- No day is the same as the other, every morning brings with it a particular miracle, its magic moment, in which the old universes are destroyed and new stars are created. (Paulo Coelho)

- Remember that man lives no other life than the one he lives in this moment, nor loses any other life than the one he loses now. (Marco Aurelio)

- If you are lucky enough to find the kind of life you like, you should also find the courage to live it. (John Irving)

- You cannot choose the way to die. Or the day. One can only decide how to live. Now. (John Baez)

- Do you love life? Then do not waste time, because it is the substance of which life is made. (Benjamin Franklin)

- Life is a mystery to be experienced, not a problem to be solved. (Osho)

- There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved. (George Sand)

- Don't let the wounds turn you into what you are not. (Paulo Coelho)

- He loves life more than his logic, only then will you understand its meaning. (Fëdor Dostoevskij)

- Life is as splendid as a diamond, but fragile as glass. (GK Chesterton)

- I always amaze myself. It is the only thing that makes life worth living. (Oscar Wilde)

- Life is made up of extremely rare moments of great intensity and countless intervals. Most of the men, however, not knowing the magic moments, end up living only the intervals. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Phrases about the pleasure of life

- Life can only be understood backwards but must be lived forward. (Soren Kierkegaard)

- Open your eyes, look inside. Are you satisfied with the life you are living? (Bob Marley)

- In twenty years you will not be disappointed by the things you have done ... but by those you have not done. So lift your anchor, abandon safe ports, catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Do you dream. Discover. (Mark Twain)

- The biggest mistake in life is to always be afraid of making mistakes. (Elbert Hubbard)

- Dance as if nobody was watching, love as if nobody had ever hurt you, sing as if nobody was listening, live as if heaven was on earth. (William W. Purkey)

- There is only one type of success: that of making your life what you want. (Henry David Thoreau)

- May I make my life something simple and straight, like a reed flute that the Lord fills with music. (Rabindranath Tagore)

- Every day of life is unique, but we need something to touch us to remind us. It doesn't matter if we get results or not, if we make a good impression or not, in the end the essential, for most of us, is something that is not seen, but perceived in the heart. (Haruki Murakami)

- Life is like a mirror: it smiles at you if you look at it smiling. (Jim Morrison)

- Dream what you want; go wherever you want; be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do the things you want to do. (Paulo Coelho)

- Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it. All you need is courage, imagination and some money. (Charlie Chaplin)

- Why do you compare yourself with someone else? If you don't compare yourself to another you will be what you really are. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

- Being what we are and becoming what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

- Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- Dream as if you were to live forever. Live as if you were to die today. (James Dean)

- All the variety, all the delight, all the beauty of life is made up of shadow and light. (Lev Tolstoj)

- Life shrinks or expands in proportion to the courage of each. (Anaïs Nin)

- Life is like music; it must be composed with ear, feeling, and instinct, not with the rules. (Samuel Butler)

- Life is short. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, really love, always laugh out loud and never regret anything that made you smile, or cry. (Sergio Bambarén)

- Life is you yourself, and if life is difficult to bear it is because it is very difficult to bear yourself. (Carl Gustav Jung)

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