Psalm 28: complete, commentary


CommentIn Psalm 28 the psalmist claims that without the word of God that illuminates him he would be lost in his life, he dialogues with God in an intimate relationship and, raising his hands to heaven, asks for his strength so as not to be deceived by the wicked in the middle to which he lives and avoid being overwhelmed.

Psalm 28 complete

[1] Of David. To you I cry, Lord; do not remain silent, my God, because, if you do not speak to me, I am like someone who goes down into the pit.

[2] Hear the voice of my plea, when I cry out for help, when I raise my hands to your holy temple.

[3] Do not overwhelm me with the wicked, with those who do evil. They speak of peace to their neighbor, but they have malice in their hearts.

[4] Pay them back according to their work and the wickedness of their actions. According to the works of their hands, give them what they deserve.

[5] Since they did not understand the action of the Lord and the works of his hands, he breaks them down and does not raise them.

[6] Blessed be the Lord, who has listened to the voice of my prayer;

[7] the Lord is my strength and my shield, I have placed my trust in him; he gave me help and my heart rejoices, with my song I give him thanks.

[8] The Lord is the strength of his people, the refuge of salvation for his consecrated person.

[9] Save your people and your inheritance bless, guide them and support them forever.

Psalm 28 • The LORD is my strength and my shield (May 2024)

Tags: Biblical psalms