What is air made of: what gases make it up and steam


Composition of the air we breathe as a mixture of aeriform substances that are part of the earth's atmosphere, an essential element for the survival of all animal and plant organisms.

What is the air made of

The air is made up of invisible gases, the main one being nitrogen, followed by oxygen and argon.

In addition to the gaseous elements, water vapor is also present in the air in variable percentages depending on the degree of humidity of the place where the measurement is performed.

The percentages of the elements that make up the air vary according to the altimetric altitude considered.

Regarding the weight of the air, it must be considered that above Earth, the Earth's atmosphere is made up of 160 km of air which constitute its thickness.

Although the air at first impression seems to have no weight, however it actually exerts pressure on the ground like any other solid object, for this reason it can be said that its weight on every square meter of ground is equal to about 10 tons.

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