August 24: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the day August 24 is Saint Bartholomew the apostle, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date.

Saint Bartholomew apostle

Born in Cana of Galilee, he was led to Jesus by the apostle Philip becoming one of the twelve.

After the Ascension of the Lord, it is tradition that he preached the gospel in India, where he suffered martyrdom.

In 264 the saint's relics arrived in Lipari, in the period in which Saint Agatone was bishop, in 410 the remains were brought to Maypherkat, in 507 the Emperor Anastasius I brought them to Darae in Mesopotamia.

In 546 they were brought back to Lipari, while in 838 to Benevento, where the saint's relics were always jealously preserved, especially in very risky situations, such as when the emperor Otto III of Saxony, in 983 ordered with arrogance that the Sacred relics, but with deception they were given those San Paolino bishop of Nola.

As soon as he realized that he had been deceived, the emperor went on a rampage and surrounded the city by his army but, failing to conquer it, he had to return to Rome, where he built a basilica dedicated to San Bartolomeo on the Tiber Island.

Bartolomeo apostolo is invoked by the faithful to protect himself from various skin diseases, including cold sores and genital, erysipelas and pellagra.

He is also the patron saint of various craft activities, operating with cutting knives and tools, including butchers, shoemakers, furriers, tailors and tanners.

He is patron of some Archdioceses, including that of Benevento, Campobasso-Boiano, Patti and Frankfurt am Main.

Other saints and celebrations on August 24th

  • Blessed Andrea Fardeau
  • Martyr

  • Sant'Audoeno
  • Bishop of Rouen

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    • August 6: saint of the day, name day
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    • August 26: saint of the day, name day
  • Blessed Czeslaw Jozwiak
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Edoardo Klinik
  • Martyr

  • Sant ’Emilia de Vialar
  • Blessed Francesco Kesi
  • Martyr

  • Saint George the Limniota
  • Monk

  • Saint Joan Antida Thouret
  • Virgin

  • Blessed Jarogniew Wojciechowski
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Maria Encarnaciòn Rosal
  • Founder

  • Santa Maria Michela of the SS. Sacrament
  • Founder

  • Blessed Maximilian Binkiewicz
  • Priest and martyr

    അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) August 24th - Saint Bartholomew (April 2024)

Tags: August